Things I'm F*cking SICK Of (Wattpad Community)

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  Disclaimer: If you do these, I'm totally fine with it. Don't take this shit seriously.

  I thought there was one "How To Get Famous On Wattpad" type book out there, and I read it. It was, in my opinion, fairly enjoyable. I'm pretty sure it was a Watty's finalist or something (I really can't remember and I'm sorry) but ever since that one came out, literally one THOUSAND GUIDES came out and we saw so many copycats. They all talked about the same things and I really just can't with them anymore. 

   This is the problem with so much of the books circulating out there. There's a concept that surfaces once in a while that everyone loves, but then instead of updating the concept, switching it up, adding to it, or bringing something new to the table, these people just come around and oversaturate my feed with the same goddamn book. 

   This happens with "Overused Lines", "How to Avoid Mary-Sue", and "Zodiac Signs". Y'all, I couldn't even count the numbers of copycats out there. It's extremely hypocritical of me because this is literally a rant story, something everyone's seen and done before, but it's just the truth. We're oversaturating the market with these, and we need to start freshening up again.

   How about this; let's not post anything until we have a solid idea in our heads that we ourselves created? Don't do something for the sake of getting reads. 

   Do it to win the Watty's and have your story shown to Netflix so that you can make a trashy TV show or movie. Duh.

   Here's a little thing I do to help myself when writing a story: don't publish it until you have five chapters. This way, you know that the story is substantial and can sustain itself. Now, this all depends on whether you're one of those shitty people who have less than one thousand words in a chapter (guilty) and post more parts just to get reads (guilty), but the "don't publish until five chapters" rule really helps me weed out the bad ideas.

   Now let's go in depth about the three categories I brought up earlier.

   Overused Lines: I don't know who originally came up with the idea, but I thought it was absolutely genius. When I read the first chapter and they brought up how every goddamn high school story starts off with an alarm clock beeping, I knew they were onto something! Finally, someone pointing out cliches in a dignified, innovative manner.

   Yeah, that was until more and more of those kinds of books started popping up and suddenly my entire browsing page turned into an "Overused Lines" catalog just because I added the original one to my library. And I can't say that I've read all of them so I have no idea if these books really do have different lines that people have thought of, but I'm over it now. Overused Lines have flopped. 

   How to Avoid Mary-Sue Guides: This one especially sucks. Since when did people need that many fucking Mary-Sue guides? Your "How to Avoid Mary-Sue Guides" are becoming boring and dull, just like the Mary-Sues you speak of. 

   I hate saying this, but these guides just became a way for people to bash on blondes. Y'all, what's wrong with girls with platinum blonde hair? The guides also became a way to hate on guys with abs, people with blue eyes, and girls who wear a lot of makeup. So what if the antagonist wears a lot of makeup? So what if the main character's love interest have abs? It doesn't affect the quality of the character. Sis, your bitter is showing.

   The problem with trying to outdo each other in originality is that it just turns into pure lunacy. Would I ever read a book about a blonde character named Amy who has blue eyes and wears makeup? Maybe; it depends on how good the plot is. Now would I read a book a character named Roxanna Jeanine Loraine Figglemiller Lolly Burnes who has multicolored hair and eats glass and is a vlogger and is also a princess? Cute summary, but no.

   And that last part was on me; I bet a lot of people would sink right into Roxanna, but I'm not one of them. I like there to be a touch of realism to the stories I read. You can literally write about anything you want to just as long as your characters are anchored to reality. Do they feel like we do? Do they face challenges your everyday teenager would? This is what makes a story a story: how we would react when put into the character's situation.

   Now when writing realistically, there are some Mary-Sue tendencies that you're bound to fall for, but that's what makes our characters human. The fact that it's all been done before. The fact that you can relate to these characters.

   Zodiac Signs: I've gotta tread lightly here because I know y'all Zodiac stans be batshit crazy. Do you guys know how gullible you look? Some of the people who post these books have no idea what they're doing, but you'll eat it right up! I don't even know if I'm criticizing the books or the actual people who religiously follow Zodiac Signs.

   You do you, sis, but don't let it interfere with your social life. My biggest pet peeve is when people judge others based on Zodiac Signs. Have a conversation with them first or something, fam. Like, are you really gonna cut someone out just because they're the wrong sign? People who say shit like, "I don't mess with Geminis," just irk me. 

   Back to my point, though. I'm just tired of these accounts Zodiac-baiting readers. It's really not that hard to mix and match zodiac signs into "squads".

Things I'm F*cking SICK Of Seeing On WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now