Chapter 1

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^^^Abrianna and Tyson

'Why am I here? I don't wanna be here, but I have to be. I can't even hear. Omg, what is she talkin' about? I'm so lost. You know what.' Finally fed up with the disruptive class Abrianna puts in her earbuds. She was currently in Mrs. Evans chemistry class and it was too early to be dealing with these chaps shenanigans. Abrianna drowns out the teacher's constant shushing of the class, a group of girls' hyena-like laughing, a boy's reciting of vulgar rap lyrics, and arguing in the hall, with the soft flows of J. Cole.

"Pistols be poppin' and niggas drop in a heartbeat

Scattered like roaches, a body laid on the concrete

Body laid on the concrete

Look, somebody laid on the concrete

No time for that, ain't no lookin' back, cause I'm running too

I made it home, I woke up and turned on the morning news

Overcame with a feeling I can't explain

'Cause that was my nigga James that was slain, he was 22"

As she took in the lyrics she reminisced about the last time she had been with Tyson. It was on the 4th of July. They were in the local park sitting on a bench watching fireworks a family had brought to their cookout. They had been talking all day, enjoying each other's company.

"Aye, Bri, what college you goin' to?" spoke Tyson.

"Shit ion know. Hopefully Spelman or Georgia Tech so I can major in Health Science. What bout you?" Bri responded.

"Mmm probably Morehouse or Georgia Tech too, I'm gonna major in Computer Science".

"How are we gonna pay for it though?" Bri inquired.

Tyson was silent for a whole ten seconds before speaking, "I've been savin' up."



"Where?" he waits another ten seconds and looks at the ground "Wit the Disciples."

"WHAT?!?" the nearby family looks her way before returning to the festivities, she quiets down "Nigga are you fuckin' dumb, the Disciples are dangerous, how long have you been wit them?"

He pauses before he answers "A few months" he looks at her and sees the disappointment. "But you don't understand. I tried looking for a regular damn job but they won't call me back, all they see is a black nigga from a rough ass neighborhood who's gonna scare off the fuckin' customers!" he asserted loudly but not loud enough for the nearby wandering kids to hear. "One of my homies told me about this dude that needed some more foot soldiers so I took the offer. I make enough for the both of us to go to college."

Abrianna didn't say a word. She knew he was right. Anytime someone like them applied for a job, it was almost a blessing to get a callback.

Bri sat for a moment "What do you do?"

Ty played with his fingers "Mostly selling gas and hangin' round the crew, nothin' too deep."

"You don't carry... or use... a gun do you?"

Ty looked into her concerned eyes "Nah nothin' like that."

Another two minutes pass, the air was tense.

Bri speaks "I still don't know about this Ty, what if you get hurt?"

"I won't, I don't even do the serious stuff they be doin', Abrianna I promise nothin' will happen to me I swear."

She looked into his eyes, he never used her full first name unless something was serious. They hugged for at least ten seconds then went back to watching the fireworks in silence.

Two weeks following the conversation that her and Ty had, she received a call at two something in the morning from her mother, Faith. She was working the late shift that night. She was a nurse at Grady Memorial Hospital.

"Hello?" She answers groggily, waking up.

"Bri baby. It's Mama." she was crying

"Oh hey um, what's wrong? Why are you cryin'."

"It's Ty... I'm so sorry."

As soon as she heard Ty's name she was wide awake "What, what do you mean?" her heart started beating and her mind began to race.

"He's gone." her mom sobbed into the phone.

Bri paused. She couldn't fathom what she was hearing. 'Gone? No. This isn't real. It can't be. It just can't.'

"Hello? Bri? Are you there baby?"

"Ma, Are you sure it's him?" she says with her voice starting to crack.

"Yes honey I'm sure." Faith answered

"Ma, Imma call you back okay?" a single tear fell from her face and she felt like she couldn't breathe.

"Okay if you need anything just call. I'll be home soon."

"Okay love you."

"Love you too.".

Bri hung up the phone to process all that her mother told her. She curled up in her bed and cried her eyes out. She wanted to rewind everything. It felt like someone had came and ripped her heart out and shredded it into a thousand pieces. There were so many emotions inside her she couldn't explain. Her best friend for 12 years was gone.


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