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"Wait what?"

Taehyung's nose flares with annoyance as he huffs at your words before trotting his way towards you. His eyes's focused on the hem of your uniform and soon enough, his fingers follow suit.

You continue to stand there confused as the boy stops right in front of you.

His features shows determination as his eyes burn lava through the peaks of your clothing and you really can't do anything but stare with arch brows.

It takes you about a minute to process what he was doing, and you widen your eyes at the realization.

You instantly retract when you feel the first cold breeze brushing against the bare of your skin, and he visibly fists up his hands when your fabric slips off from his grip.

His eyes are lifted up from where his fingers were all worked up, to meet with your petrified once. Its cold. His stare's cold and annoyed.

You have your backpack held out in front of you, your legs positioned in an all defensive formation as you're ready to unleash whatever's inside your bag wether they be your homework or pencils. You don't care anymore.

You're willing to throw anything that's able to protect you from the crazy lunatic standing in front of you right now.

"Y/n." He growls lowly. "You'll catch a cold if you don't take your clothes off!"


You were soaking wet from head to toe and he knew he had to act fast before something bad would happen.

The last thing he'd want is a sick friend laying in bed all helpless with a cloth on their forhead.

Taehyung grimace at memory suddenly flipping his mind from a few years ago.

He didn't like the sight of it one bit.

Your skin practically turned blue as your little body's comforted with the warmth of your blanket. Luckily. You've only caught a little fever and despite having a timer ticking the back of his head reminding him that his stay was almost coming to and end?

He was still able to see you and that was all that mattered.

But that's until you caught something different a few months after finally recovering. His heart dropped to the floor when told he couldn't come visit you until you were well. It annoyed and scared him so much that he's put himself up to making sure you don't catch any kind of sickness ever again.

Taehyung grew irritated at how dense you were. There were drops practically dripping from your wet hair and you out of all people should at least feel those liquid falling.

Also. The way your uniform stuck to your skin like glue gave it all out too, but no. You didn't even seem notice it.

You let out a faint oh when his words finally makes sense and you swallow thickly. Finally allowing your bag to rest to your side, you allow your eyes to travel across the corner of the room.

They stop on your shower before facing him again.

He's standing there. Still gritting his teeth as he impatiently waits for what you have to say.

He wants to get this over with but you taking all the time in the world will only add the chances of you catching a cold.

"Get out."

He blinks. "What?"

"I can't properly shower if you're here." You say straightforward as you choose to just manually steer and push the boy out of the bathroom.

His back's now facing you as you continue to apply pressure to his body.

You swiftly unlock the door before completely pulling it wide open.

"Why?!" The boy practically yells in pure confusion as you give him one last push out of the toilet. He's about to fight his way in again, fingers tightly grasping unto the handle as he tries to push his way back in.

You don't allow him. Your determination on taking a peaceful shower offers you a whole new level of strength and Taehyung's left surprised to say the least.

"Cause I can't shower if you're here with me." You mumble through gritted teeth as your legs planted on the tiled floor.

There's this little peak in the door where your still able to see half of his face, and you sigh in relief when he decides to stop his pushing game.

His eyes hovers over your own, as if hesitant to obliged with your words. But he does and completely lets go of the handle.

"Why not?"

You actually don't even know why. You've had bath times with Taehyung before and you've most certainly lost count in all honesty.

There's also this picture inside Taehyung's room with the both of you all naked inside a bathtub playing with a bunch of his rubber duckies. The Queen took privilege on taking and framing that pic and you never seem to mind it before. You remember how she sighed dreamily when showing the both of you the pic.

"A precious memory for when you both grow up. Don't grow too fast though."

You and Taehyung could only nod your heads in agreement before returning back to your little war of sucks. You were 7 years old at that time. Two years after you've gotten close to him and eventually became his bestfriend.

But that's just the thing. All of those seemed normal before, until you started getting all protective with yourself.

You don't know why you're feeling this way but you're sure of one thing. And that you don't want to bath with Taehyung ever again.

You send the boy a quick grin, before slamming the door hard and eventually giving yourself the soothing cleaning you needed.

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