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"Do me a favor will you? Go inside, grab a glass of water and then throw it at my face."

Jimin lifts an eyebrow from the odd request. "Why would I do that?"

I don't know either.

Am I still asleep?

There's only one way to find out.

You look away to pinch yourself- just to be sure this is real.

When pain courses through your body like lighting, you squeal and face the man in front of you.

This isn't a weird hallucination then.

"You're really back uh? After disappearing for a thousand years?"

Jaw touching the ground in offence, he dives in to defend himself. "I can't believe that's the first thing you tell me. And it's two years. Not a thousand, you dork. Now come here."

Jimin pulls you into his embrace and you melt like ice cream under a blazing weather. "I missed you like crazy."

"Same, Chim. Same."

"I'm sorry you had to wait so long."

"Eh." You casually shrug your shoulders. "You get used to it. Although, I'm still curious what university doesn't allow the use of gadgets."

Jimin chuckles with a hint of crimson flashing his cheeks. "A very strict one I guess? Now can you stop asking stupid questions and let me in? There's so much I need to tell you."

"Please, be my guest." You wiggle from his grasp and push the door wide open for him. "Oh and before I forget, Taehyung's back too."

He hums under his breath. "I know."

"You do?"

As if it was a slip of words, he blinks his eyes like he's flustered, stopping mid tracks with a hand rubbing the back of his neck.

It seems like you caught him off gaurd.

That shade of red from earlier has now spiraled to cover ninety percent of his face.

"I mean. Yeah. His um.. brother told me."

"You know Jin?"

"Of course I know him. Who doesn't?"


As far as you're aware, he left right before Jin showed up.

Unless of course, Taehyung introduced him?

Jimin plops on one of the sofas and throws his head back, grinning ear to ear in contempt. "It's so good to be back. You won't believe the hell I had to go through back there."

"I can only imagine." You take a sit on the couch across from him. "So how long are you staying?"

Jimin moves his gaze to meet yours again. "You're not kicking me out so soon are you? I just got here."

"That's not what I meant. Weren't you, like, given a few weeks off before you have to go back to resume your studies?"

He's a busy student after all.

And shouldn't he be spending this free time with his family right now?

Jimin licks his bottom lip, leaving a glistening effect behind. "About that. I'm not going back."


"What? But your schola-"

"That one- " He intercepts easily, leaning forward and clasping his fingers together. "- was an excuse. I didn't actually leave because I was offered a scholarship overseas."


So in other words, he lied?

You're not in a spot where you can confront him for lying.

There must be a reason behind it.

"So where have you been all this time?"

Jimin gives you a gentle smile. "I was with Taehyung."

"With Taehyung." You parrot his words in a slow, firm manner. "Oh."

Jimin's suddenly panics - eyes shaping like saucers when a wrong scenario crosses his mind. "Wait-- Y/n, no. Definitely not in that way. I meant the academy. I spent the last two years in the academy with Taehyung. You know? Where ro-"


A statement so simple. Yet you're having a hard time processing it.

All of sudden, he finds amusement at your confusion, throwing his head back with a charming chuckle.

Then he flickers his eyes to collide with yours, a hint of mirth flashing.

"Taehyung isn't the only prince you befriended, Y/n." He says. "You have me too."

Taehyung's POV

What was suppose to be a peaceful moment of tea time turns into a havoc.

Two figure flee the garden, one ready to snap a head off and the other trying to get his point heard.

"Get away from me!"

"I'm not asking much from you, princess." The young prince casually says. "I just need you to tell the media that you already have someone in mind, and then easily cancel the engagement. That's all."

Clenching her knuckles until they glow a snow white, Park Shira growls and eventually diverts her rage at him.

She's soaking with tea from head to toe and it's all because of the man in front of her - who could care less of the state she's in.

"And then what?" She spites at him. "Dig myself an early grave? You're basically telling me to sacrifice my reputation and be willingly labeled as the 'Princess who cheated'. Believe it or not your highness, I hate being in this predicament as much as you do but the only difference between us is that I don't act irrationally. If you spend more time trying to convince your parents why this won't work out as much as you  spend your time throwing childish pranks, we might be able to get out of this mess. And the most promising part? No one gets a life time of shame."

Shira flaps her tea stained shirt and grinds her teeth at the stickiness. "Now if you have nothing else you want say to me, I have to go change. Excuse me."

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