11:soft for you

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A.N: Jimins thighs and sweaty yoongi thooouuuuuggghh and i found this pic as well, all i can say is...must stay loyal to the vmin gods *cries in korean*

Tae is probably writing a complain letter to google to delete these pics lol, on with the story!

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Tae is probably writing a complain letter to google to delete these pics lol, on with the story!


(but damn👆🏼, sorry i cant-)

" Y-Yoongi hyung?" Tae stuttered. 

It was Park Yoongi, Jimins older brother , staring at Tae with his always never changing icy stare. Yoongi's face expression always reminds Tae of a Turtle , always with that serious poker face, Tae realised he had been weirdly staring at the older and looked away.

" so..um hyung-"

" are you gonna let me in or what?" yoongi said coldly.

" O-Oh yeah , sorry, come in." Tae moved to side allowing the older to walk pass him, Once Yoongi was already halfway inside Tae let out the biggest exhale that sounded more of an old man coughing. Tae then entered and closed the door behind him.

Yoongi in the other hand was examining the house like a mother checking out if there is any dust on the walls. Tae just slowly followed behind him , watching his every move, checking out the walls together in case there is anything he didnt want Yoongi to see, and too his nightmare, there it was. Jimins baby blue boxers on the floor right behind the counter. Tae could feel himself turning pale, how in the fuckitty fuck could he had not notice that?!

Tae stopped in his tracks as the older was slowly walking towards the counter to see the pancakes he made earlier. Tae prayed really hard that Yoongi wouldn't notice the very bright blue boxers (which Tae thought it was super cute since its like, baby blue)  but yoongi was already standing behind the counter, his toes inches away from the cloth.

" You made these?" yoongi asked while pointing towards the pancakes. Tae nodded furiously , Yoongi raised an eyebrow at the younger before looking back down at the pancakes. Tae let out a sigh of relief , Yoongi didnt notice it , but it was too late, yoongi was already holding it up with his two fingers.

" what. The . Heck is this?"  Yoongi said eyeing tae suspiciously .

" Uhh...it- its mine hy-hyung"  Tae stuttered , he was panicking , he has always know that yoongi had never liked Tae, Yoongi always thought that Tae is spoiling Jimin with his so called 'bad boy' attitude. Yoongi really didnt like Jimin hanging out too much with Tae but for the sake of his mom who would always say that tae has been a blessing to the family for not just being the first friend Jimin could trust and count on but also a great helper whenever she needs him. If Yoongi had ever found out that they both did something which is more than kissing , Tae is screwed for life.

" This are so not yours, im sure its Jimins, he always gets baby blue boxers cause its his favourite colour and im sure yours is always black" Yoongi said as gestured to tae's shirt. Taehyung was taken aback, he didn't just like black, he loved all the colours , especially baby blue, he and Jimin shared the same favourite colour. 

" No- its really mine, i swear-" But tae was cut off by Jimins blue boxers dangling off his head. Tae pulled it off and scrunched it into a ball and threw it to his side. The things he would go through for jimin.

" I still dont trust you, wait, where is Jimin?" Yoongi asked,his expression now went from all scary tiger to concerned bunny , no turtle.

" He is upstai-" 

" Hyung?" a small voice called out from behind Taehyung , Yoongi looked up and Tae turned around , and there stood a tired looking hot mess , Jimin stood there rubbing his eyes while scratching his right elbow.

Tae thanked heaven That jimin was wearing clothes, because if he wasn't...

" Jimin? are you okay?" Yoongi asked concerned and tae swore he saw the quick facial change on yoongi , yoongi now looked soft , Taehyung scoffed. jimin ran down the stairs and jumped into Yoongis arms, making the older to swing him around. Tae just stood there trying to not get jealous.

" Im fine hyung, anyways what are you doing here?" Jimin said still holding onto Yoongi.

" I just came to check on my baby bro thats all, " Yoongi ruffled his hair. Jimin then noticed Taehyung and skipped towards him, giving a small kiss on his cheek .

" Moowwwnniiinnggg" Jimin said cutely , Taehyung just smiled in response. Yoongi who just stood there watching whatever that was taking place decided to interrupt them.

" hey how about we go have a drink?" 

" sure coffee is good-"Tae stated but got cut off again for like the hundredth time in a day

" No, not coffee but something hard" Yoongi smirked and taehyung choked, there was no way he was gonna drink alcohol, plus he wasn't a drinker, Jimin is but not Tae.

" hahaha , nice joke hyung, would you think that we're gonna agree, i bet Jimin wouldn't like it"

" No sure hyung, lets go have a drink, come on Tae" and before Tae could even blink, he was already seated in the backseat next to jimin on the way to the pub.

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