why don't you love me?
I am confused.
I don't get confused, but you, you confuse me.
you make my thoughts swim about you.
you make me smile.
you make me cry.
you make me happy,
and you make me unbelievably sad.
sometimes I feel like I have brushed by depression.
are you my own depression?
you are more like a drug.
I can't call you that.
, you intoxicate me. I always want you, when I'm happy, and especially when I'm sad. I always want to overdose on you. I always do.
no matter what anyone does, says, or makes,
I always come back to you.
and overdose again.
but you like it.and so do I.
all I want is you. But why don't you want me? I could give you everything. I want to be your everything. because you are my everything. you play with my feelings. you say you think you like me. you say let's try. then you don't even want that anymore.
is it something I've done?
is it the way I act?
God, is it the way I look?
I want to change but I want to be the same.
I don't want to loose myself for you.
but I want to loose myself in your eyes again. I want to be around you still. I want to touch you. I want to help you. I want to work with you still.
you are like an ocean.
your love is like a tsunami.
I want to swim in it, but I don't want to drown.
baby, I'm dying.
and you don't care.
maybe you do
but I wouldn't know.
we talked the other day, though I haven't seen it in months
and I could tell you didn't want to talk to me
but I kept talking.
can I please not care for you?
can I please not love you anymore?
because darling,
I'm addicted to you.
so why?
what is wrong with me?
maybe we can still be friends for what it's worth.
why not?