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We pulled up to school and I parked in the first parking spot I saw. We both grabbed our stuff and got out the car. I hit the lock button on my key and we made our way into the school, heading to the office. When we arrived in the office, we were greeted by the office staff and one of the ladies, I'm assuming the one in charge, spoke up.

??- Hello, good morning, I'm Ms. Patricia. How can I help you both today, pretty girls?
A- Hi, my name is Adrianna and this is my younger sister Amaryllis. We're both new to the school, we transferred from Boca High School in Florida.
MP- Ah, I see......give me a second. What is your last name?
A- Andrew
MP- Alright

She began to type away on her computer and we both looked around and at each other. After a few minutes, she spoke again.

MP- Okay, yes, I see all your information right here. Adrianna and Amaryllis Andrew. Alright, so you both have the same guidance counselor, Ms. Worth. Her office is right around the corner, first door on the left
Both- Okay, thank you

We walked off and headed towards Ms. Worth's office. When we arrived, the door was wide open and a light skin woman was sitting on her desk, wearing glasses, drinking coffee, and reading from a book. Amaryllis gently knocked and her eyes rose up over the rims of her glasses as she eyed us. She smiled warmly and placed her coffee cup and book down, taking her glasses off, folding them, and putting them on her desk. She said.....

??- Hello there, can I help you?
A- Hi, I'm Adrianna and this is my sister Amaryllis. Are you Ms. Worth?
??- That I am
A- We're transfer students
MW- Ohhhh, yes, I received your files. Let's get you both settled in

She smiled again and sat at her desk, taking another sip of coffee and typing away at her computer. After a few minutes, she spoke.

MW- Adrianna, it seems you're a senior and my new office assistant. It also says you were thinking of aiding teachers as well?
A- Yeah, um, I figured I might as well collect some community service hours in my down time
MW- Well, that's good thinking and perfect timing. I actually know a few teachers who are looking for some help
A- Sounds good
MW- Perfect, so, you're pretty much straight forward and easy. Let me get your sister squared away since she's an incoming freshman and then we'll get you set up
A- Perfect
MW- Alright, (smiles) so Amaryllis, you're a freshman but you seem to be quite advanced
AM- Yeah, I was on a pretty great track
MW- I can see that, well, I think I have just the classes you need. So, I'm gonna print out your schedule. Go ahead and get your student ID from the front then come back
AM- Cool

Amaryllis went to get her ID and Ms Worth continued......

MW- Alright so now big sister
A- That's me
MW- Alright so you'll be working with me and whatever teachers need you during your free periods
A- Okay
MW- You're also on a very good academic path so you're classes will pretty much be your choice. You've done everything required of you to be prepared for graduation so here is a list of courses available and you are more than welcome to circle the four you'd like to have. They're all your choice so get that taken care of so we can get you set up
A- Okay

I sat down and began going through the courses, selecting the ones I wanted. Amaryllis came back with her ID and Ms. Worth said.....

MW- Alright love, here is your schedule and everything else you'll need. I'm gonna finish up with you and then walk you both to your lockers and show you how to get to your first classes for the day
Both- Cool
MW- Alright here's your schedule and everything you need Adrianna

She handed me my stuff and I thanked her. Amaryllis and I gathered our belongings and walked with Ms. Worth. I got my ID from the front and we left the office, making our way to the textbook distribution room where we received the books we'd need for the year. Ms. Worth took us to our lockers and showed us where our classes were. She said......

MW- Alright, this is where I leave y'all. Let me know if there is anything at all that you need.
A- Will do
AM- Yeah

She left us at our lockers and we looked at each other. We put our stuff in and took out what we needed for class before closing our lockers. I said......

A- I love how our lockers are right next to each other
AM- Right? Aren't we cute?
A- You want me to walk you to class?
AM- Nah I'm a big girl but we can meet up later and have lunch if you want
A- You know I do
AM- Alright well I'll see you then
A- Love you
AM- Love you too

We hugged and walked off to our classes. When I got to my class, I opened the door and walked inside to see kids talking, not really paying attention and a teacher sitting on her desk, taking attendance. They all looked over to me and stared as I stood in the doorway and smiled shyly. The teacher said.......

??- Hi, how can I help you?
A- Hi, I'm new here
??- Oh, can I see your schedule?

I walked over to her and handed her my schedule. She took it out my hand and scanned over it before saying......

??- Ah, okay. Welcome Adrianna......I'm Mrs. Bent and this is African American history. Today is a pretty easy day, we're reading chapter 1 and doing the worksheet and assessment at the end of the chapter so take any available seat, get started, and if you have any questions I'm here to answer them
A- Okay

We exchanged smiles and I took my schedule back from her before making my way to the first empty seat I saw in the middle right side of the room. Mrs. Bent finished taking attendance and announced for us to begin working. She said we were welcome to work with other people as long as we stayed on task. I pulled out my phone, going to Spotify and putting on my daily mix. I put my headphones on my ears as "One Wish"- Ray J came on. I turned it up and began to do my work. As I worked, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a cute brown skin dude with short dreads up in a ponytail. He slightly smiled at me and I slightly smiled back, taking my headphones off and putting them around my neck as he opened his mouth to speak.....

??- Hey
A- Hi
??- You're new here right?
A- Yea
??- What's your name?
A- Adrianna, and you?
??- have a beautiful name
A- Thanks, I know
J- I bet you do so would you like to work together?
A- I actually work better alone sooooo I think I'm good. It was nice talking to you

I smiled at him and turned back around to finish my work. After a bit of time passed by, I felt another tap on my shoulder. I took my headphones off again and turned around to see Jaden smiling at me again. He said......

J- So, I was thinking
A- Congrats
J- How about I give you a tour of the school and walk you to your classes. It's a big school and things can get kind of confusing sometimes
A- I can manage. I'll be fine
J- It's really no trouble
A- I'm really good but thanks anyway for the offer

I smiled again and turned back around, putting my headphones back on and finishing up my work. The class period went by and when it was finished, the bell rang and I rose from my seat. I put my belongings inside my bag and grabbed my stuff, making my way towards the door. As I was walking to my next class, I heard....

J- Adrianna! Wait up!

I stopped and sighed as Jaden came up beside me and fell into stride with me.

A- Can I help you?
J- Just wondering what you're doing tonight
A- Homework
J- True, um, some friends of mine are having this big back to school party to start off the school year and everyone is invited. Maybe you'd like to come? Maybe even be my date? I could pick you up......

I sighed and looked over at him, stopping in my tracks and saying.....

A- Alright look, I'm sure you're a great guy but I'm really not interested. I don't know if this is your thing, hitting on the poor, defenseless, new girls but I'm not one of those girls and I'm fine. I'm probably not coming to this party and I'm not gonna be getting involved with you. I'm sure you can find some other female to occupy your time so I'm gonna go to class and maybe I'll see you in the hallways, cool? Cool

I walked off to my next class and left him standing there, watching me walk away.

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