chapter 1

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chapter 1: bored


"aHhH" you groaned out, lying on your stomach, "its so boring."

summer break has just started, and you're already bored. what a great way to start summer vacation. your older brother glanced at you at the corner of his eye, as he rolled his eyes.

"what do you expect? it's been like this for 6 years already, my god. stop acting like it's the first time summer's been boring." he remarked. you sat straight up and glared at him,

"shut the hell up, byeongkwan."  "lmao."

you huffed as you lay down on your stomach once again. "what to do, what to do" you mumbled. apparently, byeongkwan had enough of you, and let out an exasperated sigh.

"oH mY gOd—" he grabbed onto his hairs tightly, "just do anything! i dOnT cAre"

you scoffed, "fine, fine, you ass."

muttering swear words at your brother under your breath, you walk upstairs to your bedroom, and plopped down on your wonderful, fluffy bed. taking out your phone, you thought what to do with it.

"hm. maybe download more games even though i don't have any storage on my phone." you suggested to yourself, nodding at the thought of it.

going into the appstore, you were in a hunt for new and fun games. by 6 minutes, you've already downloaded about 20 games, and was still searching for more.

then you came across an app titled "boompi". 'what a cute name oml' you thought, clicking on the icon, trying to find out more about the app.

it said it was about "making new friends to enhance your summer" whatever that means. thinking about it, you remember your lack of friends. you sulk.

"at least i have junhee right?" you asked yourself, thinking about your (gaY) best friend who lowkey had a crush on this dude with blonde hair who he said he accidentally kissed once. he said it was magical.

shaking your thoughts off of junhee, you debated whether you should download the app or not.

after thinking for a few seconds, you decided to download the app. "yolo" you whispered as you clicked on "download". you shrug,

"eh, it's not like it would kill me."


— ✧ a/n

; omg ik it's short buT it's the beginning i promise y'all the chapters will get longer skskS-

anyways i haven't seen a lot of ffs with my bby channie in them so i decided to make one myself-

because channie deserves all the love in the world kssks you know i know it we all know t

plus he's one of my ults and my ults nEed to be appreciated 😔 and if you're reading this and you have no ideA wHo a.c.e/unb/chan is i sUggest you check them out a.c.e and unb deserves more attention smh all these ppl sleeping on talent :,(

anyways before this gets too long, i hope you'll continue on keeping up with this book thnx bb

- ✧ dearyuchan

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