Chapter 1

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I was in a hotel room. I was in bed, with some guy I barely know. One night stand.

But the next day, I woke up at 3 AM. And I threw up. I THREW UP. You would probably think it's just the flu or something, but I don't know about you, but if I had a one night stand, and woke up the next morning to throw up? I'd be skeptical.

I went to the drugstore nearby, and I took the test as soon as I got back to the hotel room. Yes, THE TEST. 

I was scared shitless, not gonna lie. But I have to do this. I took a deep breath, and I did it. 


A few minutes later, which was the amount of time I was supposed to wait, I took the test out of the bathroom. 


Wait, WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING?! I'm only 22, I can't take care of a kid! Especially a child that I share with someone I don't even know! 

"Hey, what's that?" I hear from my right. 

"It's a p-pregnancy t-test," I stammered. I look at him. 

He... I don't.. he is.. handsome. Damn. I slept with this? DAMN

"O-oh," he stuttered as well,"What does it say?" 

"Positive. It's fucking positive." I stood up and started pacing back and forth. "I can't take care of a child! I don't want to abort! I don't want to give it to an orphanage either! What am I gonna do?!" All those questions kept roaming around my mind. "I can't even--" 

"We can take care of it. I'll help." I stopped pacing, and I looked at him with a confusing look. 

"Are you kidding?" 

"Nope. I have a stable job. What's your job?" 

"Seriously?! I don't even know your name!" 

"Oh. Well, let's take some time to introduce ourselves, shall we?" he sat up on the bed and patted the space next to him. I sat down. "I'm Jeremy Lewis, 22 years old. I work at an elementary school as an English teacher. 

"Um.. I'm Kirstin, or Kirstie as I like people to call me. Kirstie Maldonado. I'm also 22 years old, and I am in an acapella band called Pentatonix." I introduced myself because why not. 

"So you're famous, then?" 

"If you could call it that, yes." 

"So now that we introduced ourselves, we can go to the baby talk." 

I sighed. "I don't really know, but okay.. Where should we start?" 

We spent all morning talking about this. I thought, maybe it would be easy. Maybe we could actually get through this. Of course, it would take a while for me and Jeremy to catch up on each other's lives, but we agreed to take care of the baby, and for me to move in with him for a little bit. 

How wrong I was to say that this would be easy, 

Every morning at 3 AM I would puke out everything that I ate the last night. I would get back aches, and I had to be careful to not slip down the stairs and possibly lose the baby. I had to avoid alcohol, any sort of medicine that might affect the baby, meaning I can't take my vitamins because it's too much for a two day old embryo or whatever it's called. 

It's hard. But Jeremy had me through it. 

I started to develop feelings for him, actually. I think he feels the same. He always cares about me, he never lets me do the hard work in the house. He's just really nice. And I like him. 


Six weeks later, I felt the same pain everyday. Morning sickness, backaches, all that bad stuff. I actually told the guys about this, and Scott didn't seem too happy about it. So did Kevin, because he is very religious, and he feels like a one night stand isn't the way to find love. I don't know what Scott's problem is, but Mitch, Avi and his girlfriend, Kim, said that they were gonna help us through everything, which was really nice. 

"Do you have everything?" I asked, handing Jeremy his keys. 

"Yes, thanks babe. Love you, I'll see ya later." he answered, getting in the car and driving off. He was off to work. 

I didn't really know what to do, so I just slept on the long couch.

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