Chapter 5

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I surprised myself when I didn't burst out crying when I saw him, instead tears sliding down slowly on my face.

Countless wires were attached to him. Wires that connected to countless machines. The car must have hit him pretty bad... but it couldn't have been just a car...

"I-i kind of left something o-out, in the call, K-kirst," Scott approached me, face also filled in tears. "H-he got hit by t-two, at the same t-time..."

My jaw dropped slightly and my eyes widened, taking in the information. Scott hugged me, telling me that Avi and Kevin were on their way. I nodded and made my way to the bed without tripping over anything as he and Jeremy talked quietly on the sofa in the corner.

I sat on the chair beside the bed and took Mitch's hand in mine, avoiding the needle stuck to it.

"Mitch... hi babe.. it's me, Kirstie.. hopefully you know who that is.. I hope you can hear me.. I miss you already.. I also hope you'll wake up.." I spent the rest of the morning talking to him, not knowing if he could hear me or not, but I just wanted to be there when he woke up. I wanted to be the first one to hug him when woke up, crying tears of joy.

Even though I don't know how bad the hit was, I just wanted my best friend to be safe and sound.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up to the sounds of the machines that surrounded me. At first I was a bit scared, but then I remembered what had happened a few hours earlier. I was still holding Mitch's hand, but not a single thing changed. He still hasn't woken up.

"Good morning.. or noon, I guess.. it's," I glanced at the clock,"12:06 PM.. still waiting for you to wake up.." I looked around the room, relieved when I saw Jer and Scott curled up on opposite ends of the sofa. None of them have awoken yet. And I thought the two were on their way this morning?

Just as that clicked in, the door opened a bit, revealing a very tired looking Avi.

"Hey, Kirst. How's he doing?" he hugged me, and took a seat next to me.

"Um, I don't know.. a doctor hasn't come in yet since I got here with Jeremy. He hasn't woken up yet," I replied. "Where's Kev?"

"He had to visit his mom for an emergency... he wouldn't tell me what it was.."

We talked for a bit about what we think Kevin was up to until Scott woke up.

"Hi Avi..." he said, obviously still very sleepy. Avi smiled, greeting him as well, and paid attention to Mitch's seemingly lifeless body.

I hope that it wouldn't be like that forever.


A few days had passed, and Mitch showed only two signs that he was still here and planning on staying.

He squeezed Scott's hand ever so slightly, but he noticed and called us. Nothing more happened that day.

Then the day after that, he uttered some sound that a person would make if they were in a dreamstate. We thought he would open his eyes then, but no.

The doctor soon told us that he would be put on life support if he stopped showing signs like that after two weeks. I almost called bullshit, but I didn't, because she was a doctor after all. I should trust her.

I was forced to go home after a few hours of visiting per day by Jeremy due to the fact that I am carrying a baby and I should be resting for both of our sakes. Didn't change that I was worried as all hell for my best friend everytime I got home, though.

Like I said, it's been a few days since my fourth month, and I've been showing more. If it weren't for those damned cars I would've excited to no end for this girl, but instead it's been shared with my excitement for Mitch to wake up.

I was currently in the hospital room now, watching over Mitch, with Scott, Avi, and Jeremy as always. I had about 2 hours left till I have to go home and rest.

Then suddenly, I heard someone gasp loudly. Well, loudly enough to make me realize that my eyes were closed and I was kind of sleeping. My eyes shot open and went over to the direction of his bed, seeing Scott holding Mitch's hand with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.

"What's up?" I asked with total confusion. He surely wouldn't just gasp for no reason.

"He.. he squeezed my hand... with his nails, too," he replied, still in shock. That's... that's something new.

I slowly got up and sat on the unoccupied chair beside the bed and took Mitch's other hand.

Next thing you know, I had the exact same expression on my face when he squeezed back at my hand three seconds after.

We called the doctor, and soon had an explanation on to what just happened and what was happening right now.

Apparently, he is just sort of reacting to things right now, and that means that he should be waking up very soon, because the reason he's reacting to stuff is he's 'preparing himself for what's gonna happen' when he wakes up. And that makes me even more excited.

I got carried away by my urge to write and now ya have a better chapter than previous chapters from all my stories yay thanks to coffee and food and my weird hardworking hormones that activate at the most unreal times
It's 10 almost 11 pm so here take it have it love it
Bye love you <3 and a really late happy new year

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