3; phones & parties

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Katy's P.O.V
I was lying in bed, scrolling through Instagram before going to sleep wondering why I gave John my number but didn't ask for his back. That meant I had to wait for him to message me first, great. Just as I was thinking about today's events, a message popped up
Unknown Number: hey katy it's John x
Me: hello x
He put a little kiss at the end which made me blush slightly, so I put one back too. Guess I wasn't going to sleep just yet, I saved his number to my contacts.
John: how are you feeling? After today I mean x
I was still confused as to why he was bothered about me, I'm new, and obviously shy and delicate as I jump so far as a bang on the table. So why did he care?
Me: I'm OK now thank u :) x
My phone started to ring:
K: hello
J: hey I didn't want to message, I prefer listening to reading.
He was cute when he rambled.
J: about Ross' party. You going?
K: um, I don't think so
I'd never been to a high school party, I'd heard about them, sounded like an intentional - giant panic attack to me.
J: oh, okay. Well, I wondered if you wanted to go, with me. I'd take you?
Was he asking me out? I'd known him for two days, gosh.
K: I'm not sure John, you saw me freak at the sound of a siren so I'm not sure a house party would work well for me.
J: well.... you'll never know unless you try it. And so what if you panic, it's not school, you can leave when you like. I'd be there, Shannon would too. You'd be okay.
K: I'll think about it.
I bit my lip trying not to sound too happy at his reassurance, it was cute.
J: ok, goodnight Katy.
K: night John.
As soon as I put the phone down Angela burst through the door, "who was that?" She asked excitedly. God knows why she was always so bubbly. "Oh no one, it doesn't mat-" I began to say as she snatched my phone from me and saw John's messages. "John? Who's John? Oooo kisses too? What's going on sis?"
"He's this boy I met at school. He lives next door." I told her, she sat next to me on my bed. "Well what's he like? Is he cute? He better be cute." I started to smile widely at her curiosity.
"I guess he's cute yes,"
"Katheryn you're blushing." I grabbed my pillow and hit her with it, "Angela stop!" We laughed.
"Tell me more! What's he look like?"
"Well he's tall, he's got brown curly hair. Ooh! And the darkest brown eyes." I trailed off, I stared at my bed as I pictured him in my head. "Well someone's head over heals I see." She stroked my cheek. I was waiting for her to give me the big sister speech,
"But you've got to be careful Katheryn, boys can be trouble, you haven't mixed with boys that much either coming from our old little town hey?"
"Angela I know. I'm fine, we're nothing more than friends and won't be. I don't want a boyfriend anyway." I told her.
"What? Who said anything about a boyfriend?" She threw the pillow back.
"Shut up!" I nudged her.
"Keep me updated okay sis?" She stood up and walked out of my room.
I turned off the little pink fairy lights surrounding my bed and drifted to sleep.
The rest of the week seemed to rush by, I was still settling in to new school life, but I seemed to know my way around now. In the mornings and after school had ended John and I would walk together, which I enjoyed, a lot. We were walking into school on Friday morning when, "So have you decided about tonight?" John asked me, shit, I hadn't even been thinking about it. I was just trying to focus on school work that I forgot. "Yeah, I think I'll come. If that's okay that is." I added, he turned to look at me with a wide smile on his face, "oh yeah? I'm glad." He kept smiling from then on, which made me happy, he truly was happy I said yes to his invite. "Sooooo, I'll pick you up at eight."
"Ok, see you then," I smiled widely back at him and made my way to registration.
First I had maths, I sat with Shannon and was planning on talking to her about parties. "Hey Shan, John asked me to go to Ross' party tonight with him," I told her as we wrote the dates in or exercise books. "Oh did he now," she smirked at me, "I see you've got quite the thing for him hey K?" I'd only known her for five days but we seemed to click almost immediately. I blushed. "I'll take that as a yes,"
"But there's um, there's one thing,"
"Go on," she asked.
"I've never been to a house party before," I told her, I felt a little embarrassed really, I was seventeen and I'd never been to a party or gotten drunk, and I bet everyone here had lost their virginities already. Nope, not me.
"Well, thats okay, there's a first time for everyone," she said, I chuckled at that, it could imply something else, "hey you I didn't mean sex you freak I meant parties," she slapped my arm playfully also laughing with me now. "Yeah I guess, but like, what do I wear?" I curiously asked. "Us girls usually wear a pretty dress or skirt and a smart shirt and they're always small. You gotta have a bit of leg showing, what's the fun in that otherwise?" She told me as I took note mentally. "Right okay, I'll see what I can do." I said, biting my lip in thought of something nice to wear, she saw me deep in thought, "K you'll look gorgeous whatever you wear, just make sure you feel comfortable in your appearance and your more likely to have a good time." She was so nice to me, "thank you Shan,"
The rest of the day flurried by quickly as the excitement for the party built up throughout the day. I had a couple of assignments I wanted to complete before the party so I wouldn't be worrying about them so completed as much as I could when I get home. It was time to get ready, I opened my wardrobe with both hands and scanned my closet in search of the perfect attire. Jeans? No to casual. Pink glittery dress? No, that's too much. Plus I'd look about five. After a few impatient minutes of looking, I stumbled upon a little black dress Angela gave me when she grew out of it. It was perfect. I removed my school clothes, showered, then I slipped into the dress. It was quite small for me, I wasn't used to wearing these kind of clothes. The length came to just above the middle of my thighs and it wrapped tightly around my figure, showing my curves. It was also long sleeved. "Angela? I need some help!" I called knowing she was in her room next door. "What is i-" she saw the dress on me, "Katheryn you look stunning," I smiled at her thankfully, "I need your help,"
"Okay what with?"
"Could you do my make up for me?" I wasn't really a make up kind of girl, I'd put on lip balm but that was it. I wanted to look and feel pretty tonight. "Of course," so Angela sat with me on my bed and did my make up for me, it was natural because she knows I wouldn't like it too heavy, she gave me winged eyeliner which I actually really liked on myself. I'd washed and blow dried my hair so it fell naturally in waves down my back, matching the colour of my dress splendidly. Lastly I put on my white converse and headed out of the door to meet John. He was stood waiting for me on the pavement outside our houses. He took a long look at my dress before looking at my face, his mouth was wide open. Maybe in shock? At school I wore oversized hoodies and mom jeans so it was just a little different. "Hi," I said shyly to him, smiling still at his expression,
"Katy you look amazing," he told me,
"Thank you John, not so bad yourself." I looked at his outfit, he was wearing blue jeans with a beige shirt, and he'd sprayed a really nice cologne too. He took my hand and we walked a couple of blocks to Ross' house, we could hear the music blaring from a few houses away. My nerves started to pick up, I didn't really know what to expect. Angela told me to just be myself and everything would go fine.

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