60. You can Put a Header Picture or Video...

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... above Your Chapter Title :)

( or leave just the 'title itself' - as you prefer )

🔷 If you want to have a header Picture

- click the left Rectangle above your book title ( yes, the one with a picture of the Mountains & the Sun ) 

- then your picture Gallery will open & you can choose something from it to Put on Your Header

( I usually do it like that: I find a fitting picture online, prepare it in Paint, Save it, & then choose it to add as my Header Picture :) )

💠 If You want to add a video:

- click the Camera icon in the Rectangle above your Chapter title on the Right

- the 'paste your URL' space will open & you can paste the link from Youtube 

( it also works the same if you want to add some video to Your Chapter Text :) )

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