71. If You Start a Role Play book...

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... this means 'A book where you give some RP story ideas in your chapters - & the readers who join - continue the story RP'ing in your book comments

Here's what can happen:

1. No Users join the RP

( - I'm sorry but I know it from my Own Experience that Other Users don't join Every RP book you start... - It can just wait for months & noone may answer... - of course I don't wish you that, but such things happen )

2. A Few Users join the RP in your book

- & it's going well :)  ( - the best option, I guess 😊👍 )

3. Lots of Users join the RP in Your book

- & Your Notifications get flooded with messages each of them writes in your book comments

( you may get Hundreds of Notifications about this RP till the users taking part in it finish RP'ing )

- & when too many users join:

the RP may go 'not as you planned' cause one of them may have a weird idea & the others may join him/ her - so your RP may go totally 'out of control' 

🔷 Ok, now you know what to Expect 😊

- I gave you All the Possible options :)

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