" Why didn't you tell me??"

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Finns POV

        I glace at luna, she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. Soon that small glace turns into a longing stare. I feel someone's eyes during holes in the back of my head.

      I turn to find Theo giving me a harmful stare, filled with anger. Why is he looking at me like that? Did he catch me staring at Luna?

     I shake my head and see that Julian was casually flirting with Charlotte. That must be it! Theo must have realised that Julian was flirting with Charlie so overprotective brother mode got powered on and he was looking at me for backup. That must be it.

       " Hey, Julian." He turns to me, taking his attention away from Charlie slowly, " My sister isn't available. So if you would please stop flirting with her that would be nice."

        Theo looks at me, shocked that I was the one to say that, but Charlie looks like she ready to stab me with her plastic fork.

       " Oh, she's your sister. I didn't know and I wasnt flirting. I guess the British just always seem like were flirting compared to Americans." He gives a quick explanation. I turn to Theo, its his turn to say something.

      " Yeah okay well, I've already warn you to stay away from her. " Theo looks down and takes another bit out of his apple. Charlie makes an unhuman noise from the end of the table.

      She looks at Theo, fury porting out her eyes. She back hands him across his face. " Stop interfering with my love life!" Theo grabs his cheek in pain as Charlie hisses at him, " I can date whoever I want to date!" She stands up and walks out of the cafeteria, throwing the rest of her lunch away on the way.

      " I'll go talk to her." Luna does the same giving both me and Theo a small smile as she stands up. Her eyes twinkle when she looks at me and for a second I let my mind believe that she might be into me too.

       Julian lets out a large breathe that he must have been holding in for a long time. He glances at Theo apologetically. I know Julian means well but Theo is even more overprotective of Charlie so he probably think that Julian is trying to get with her.

       Theo soon follows the girls out of the cafeteria, huffing and puffing. The doors slam behind him, rattling the whole room. For spa second the room goes silent before going back to their own conversations.

       " I really wasn't flirting with her, I swear." I wave Julian off and quickly tell him I'm not the overprotective one, I just dont want her to get hurt.

      " Its okay man," Solis pats Julians shoulder, " some people call us the overprotective bunch. Theo and I practically are connect to our sisters so no guy messes with them."

      I look away at these words. If only Solis wasn't always around Luna, scaring any guy that comes near her, something between us could have happened by now. But no, according to Solis, no guy is good enough for Luna even me.

      " Why didn't you tell me Theo was so overprotective. That guys scares me." Julian confesses and we all laugh.

      " Trust me, once you get yo know him, Theo is a big teddy bear." Ethan laughs, holding onto julians shoulder so he doesn't fall off the bench.

        Soon the bell rings and all the laughter dies out, we all go our separate ways to class and I'm left alone with my thoughts about Luna.


       Soon school is over and us guys are all heading down to the field for practice. Theo made Charlie triple swear that Luna and her would go straight home and not talk to any guys. Her walking home worries us so I actually felt relief by these promises too.

       " So Julian you are telling me that you've never played Football." Ethan was the most shocked when Julian had told us this earlier.

      " Well you see, football in England is what you all called soccer. So yes I have played football just not your version." Ethan continues to be suprised as if everyone is the world needs to play football when we are greeted by uncle sam.

        " Hey look its the Gilinsky Twins and the best son in the world." Uncle Sam takes Ethan in his arms and gives him a noogie," And someone I've never seen before in my life, coach wilk, pleasure to meet you."

     Julian takes uncles hand and gives it a quick shake. Man how many hands has this boy shaken today. " Julian Parker sir."

    " A British kid eh, have you ever played Football, son." Uncle hands him a ball and Julian turns it in his hand.

     " Well, no. But I think I have the basic idea. Its just an intense version of catch right?" Julian hands Uncle Sam the ball back.

     " Yeah, basically, but with giant muscular dudes trying to tackle you ever second." Ethan explains to Julian.

     " okay, I think I could give it a shot." Uncle Sam gives Julian a high five and then tells us to get in position.

     Theo takes his usual spot as quarterback as I take my spot as Running back and Ethan as Linebacker. Uncle Sam tells Julian to also trying being running back, giving him a quick explanation on how to play it.

        When we start, it clear that Julian is fast, like really fast. The rest of the team is split in half so I have to watch out for tackles. After a quick second, Theo throws the ball but instead of coming to me like it normally does, it flies right to Julian... And he catches it.

       " Run!" Ethan motions toward the end zone and then Julian is taking off. The touchdown is ours.

        We all then run to Julian, congratulations and pats on the back are given. Theo runs up too but slowly and stays in the back of the crowd.

      I walk up to him and pat his shoulder. " Good throw bro, you did the right choice giving it to Julian, I was crowded. I guess no one expected Julian to do good." Theo just scoffs and crosses his arms.

      " Yeah, I guess so." He rolls his eyes and I immediately get what's going on. I guess you could call it a twin thing.

     " Theo, look his wasn't flirting with charlie, you dont have to kill him. Give the guy a shot okay." He just nods and pats me on the back, but his mood doesn't change. Huh, it must be something else.

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