Chapter 6

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You didn't really interact with anyone for the rest of the day and you stare at the plate of food sent to your room for dinner.  You guessed it was delivered by JB because it came with a note saying, "Why are you still here?" What if he poisoned the food or did something to it?? He wouldn't do that right? I'm not going to eat it just to be safe.  Well... anything here isn't really safe. I'm still not going to eat it. It doesn't even smell good.

You decide to go to sleep because it would be harder to when you are even more hungry. You get into bed and turn off the lights.

You are a very light sleeper. It gets annoying sometimes.  You wake up in the middle of the night to a sound outside the room, a jiggling doorknob. It sounded like someone was trying to get into the room. Who would want to get in this late at night??

The sound stops for a while. Maybe that was just my imagination...  You hear it again, but this time you get really freaked out. You hide under the covers and tell yourself to forget about it and try to go back to sleep. It doesn't work because the noise continues. It pauses for two seconds, but then your door opens...............creeeaaaaak.

Now you're practically crying. It's dark and you're laying in the room of the person who kidnapped you and now someone broke into your room. Your life if great.

The person slowly walks into your room. You can't hear their footsteps, but you can hear their breath getting closer and closer to you until they are standing right beside your bed. Their breath quickens slightly, and for a second it stops.

"Who's there!?"

You recognize Jinyoung's voice. The person next to you drops something and runs and hides somewhere in the dark.

You see Jinyoung in the hallway and he realizes your door is open. He hesitantly walks in to see if you are okay.

"Did something happen?" he asks while walking toward the side of the bed.

You bend over the side of your bed to get a glance at the object the mystery person dropped and you gasped.

"What happened?? Are you alright?"

You don't say anything because you are too terrified to. You just whimper. From the corner of your eye, you caught sight of the person sneaking out of the room and you whisper yell to Jinyoung, "There he is!!"

Jinyoung's whole body snaps around to face the door and at that same instant, the figure starts running. Jinyoung goes sprinting right after him. You can hear their feet pounding on the ground as they run farther and farther away. Eventually you are alone and you haven't stopped crying. Your heavy breathing and sniffling is all you can hear. You are too confused to think straight. After some time you remember the object beside your bed. You roll to the side and reach for it. As you bring it to your lap, you can clearly see it because of the light from outside the room.

You were holding the knife by its handle, the sharp blade glaring at you as if it was still dangerous in your own hands. You hear footsteps coming back to the room and heavy panting, which you recognized to be Jinyoung's. He walks into the room, turns toward the door, and punches it. "I couldn't catch him... He rode away on his motorcycle"

You can hear the anger coming from his voice and it makes you even more scared than you already are. He turns around and his voice softens a bit. "Are you o-" He stops mid-sentence while starting at the knife in disbelief. He points out the room. "...H-he was holding that..? In my place? How did he even find it? That's not possible!! Unless he already knew about it..."

You start to speak, "Th-," but he cuts you off.

"JAEBUM!"Jinyoung whisper screams.

He speed walks out of the room. Just then did you understand what he was saying. It just makes sense! JB Hates me! He even sent me that note with the food!

You practically jump out of bed and race after Jinyoung. You both approach JB's room. Jinyoung, who has the key to every room, unlocked the door and barged in.

You can't get the confidence to step in. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself you just won't go in. You give up trying and move over to beside the entrance and wonder if JB really was the one who tried to hurt her. If he's not in the room, then it has to be him.

You hear something from inside. It was Jinyoung exhaling as if he held his breath for as long as he could. What did he see?

***Author's Note***

I'm so sorry that took so long. #LifeAsASophmoreInAnIBSchool

The same thing will probably happen for the next chapter and the ones after those. >_<

*Discontinued*(Jinyoung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now