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16 year old nova excitedly ran into his house. He had just got his acceptance letter to his dream school Harvard University.

He'd work so hard for it, and it finally all payed off.

Running up the stairs, nova turned to go to his mothers room. " ma, i got- "

The sound of her cries cut him off. Now standing in front of his room, he put his ears to her door.

" WHY WERE YOU TALKING TO HIM? " he heard no other then his step fathers voice.

" he's our neighbor, THATS ALL! " she sobbed. " you want me to just ignore him when he says hello?! "

Nova sighed from the other side of the door. She needs to leave him already, he thought.

" YES! Didn't I tell you to not speak to any man out of my or your family? " he spat harshly. Shaking her head, his mother just cried. " HUH? "

" Jaco- " before she could get his name out nova heard a punch making him storm into the room.

" STOP TOUCHING MY MOM " nova said pushing him, making him stumble a little.

It wasn't the first time it happened, and it wasn't the first time nova tried stopping him.

Key word, tried. Nova never got into a fight before and everytime he tried fighting his stepdad it resulted in him getting beat up.

His mom always tried stopping his stepdad, but that only ended up with her getting slapped or punched around.

" oh so you're trying again? " his step father asked again. " and finna get your little ass beat again "

Little did he know, nova used the little money he got for mowing lawns on boxing lessons.

Even though he only had only a couple of practices, he would still use them.

He planned on using them for them one day. He wanted the best for his mom, even if she didn't want it for herself.

His mother could honestly divorce jacob any day she want and still be good. It's her house, her money, and her cars. She would still be left with everythib.

But she didn't want to be divorced twice.

" baby please go " his mother cried. " I can handle it "

" HANDLE IT? THIS IS HOW YOU'RE HANDLING IT? letting this drunk fuck abuse you? "

" I would watch your mouth if I was you boy " jacob said pointing his finger in his face.

" leave him " his mothers voice cracked.

" bitch was I talking to yo- " having enough, nova socked jacob in his jaw, catching him off guard.

Touching it, jacob smirk. " alright boy " he said putting up his sets. " you want it? You got it "

Nova swung again, but only punching his chest because he moved. Quickly two piecing nova, jacob chuckled. " come on boy "

Swinging ago with all his strength, nova caught Jacobs nose hearing it crack.

They both stopped, shocked that he did so.

Holding his nose, jacob slowly looked up at nova.

" nova.. go " his mother spoke, knowing jacob was crazy. But she was too late.

Jacob ran over to nova, knocking him down. Nova tried getting up but he was kicked in his stomach making him fall back down.

Jacob got on top of him, sending blows to his face.

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