After searching we get.......nothing?

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It was Monday morning. Without any

worries Alisha and I came to

school. Actually we almost forgot

about Andrea.  We thought she might

be in the school.

When Louisa arrived (Louisa lives

near Andrea's house and they both

come together to

school), we asked where Andrea was.

She didn't have any idea. She said,

"Maybe she isn't attending school

because she's not well or


Now we were anxious. The main

entrance was being opened and

Alisha and

I rushed towards the entrance, now

rushing to our classroom. We glanced

around the room and we only found

her school bag. The zips were open.

Alisha started searching inside the

school bag. I was searching her

around the class room. I was

searching her in every possible

places. Suddenly I

said, "Alisha, she can't be inside her

own bag."

So Alisha said, "I know, I'm searching

for her mobile phone. That

is the thing because of which she

went missing."

But we didn't find anything. We wish

we knew that "mystery person" who

called her. We

were sad and disappointed without

any hope.

Suddenly I woke up from my bed.

This was all a dream.

It was Monday morning. I told Alisha

about my dream but she informed

me that Andrea's cell phone was

actually lost 3 days ago. I breath a

sigh of relief.

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