TV Junkie

18 2 0

Today I sat motionless on my couch,

          watching TV and scrolling through my phone.

Mom said I had to get up and moving

          so I left my numbing throne.

There's a throb behind my eye lids 

          that seems obsessed with my inky mind,

yet it sends no love letters.

          It's a sadist, cruel but kind.

The throb caresses my brain 

          kissing it with a fist.

I scream with my mouth zipped closed

          and receive another kiss.

Mom notices my squirming

          as I sit at the dinner table.

I roll my eyes and look away-

          I need that numbing of the cable.

With static screens and Instagram feeds

          the throb is satiated.

It's a short reprieve from its twisted love,

          this break I've long awaited.

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