• Chapter 4 •

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 So for the people who read my book before my Hiatus you'd know this chapter has been changed. I couldn't remember the original story plot so I decided to change it, unfortunately Eclipse is no longer part of the story. I've chosen to focus on the reader rather than some side details. 

Possibly later on I will add her back in but there is no promise. I've chosen a new plot and I am determined to stick to it.

Thank you and enjoy!


By now it was night time. The ponies were off eating, Dwarves were sleeping, and a fire was lit. I leaned against the hard stone with my arms over my chest, I decided to be extra watch.

Thorin had fallen asleep leaning against the rocky wall of our shelter, Kili and Fili sat next to the fire and ate, Bombur inhaled and exhale moths as he snored.

Okay, that last one is disgusting.

Bilbo shot up, clearly unable to sleep because of the moth inhaling Dwarf.

I hummed, smiling at the Hobbit as he stood up and walked to Myrtle to feed her an apple.

Then animalistic screeching echoed in the dark forest ahead of us, separated by the ravine. I look away from Bilbo and towards the dark area, my senses heightening.

I lifted myself off the wall and grabbed my bow off the ground, on which I placed it as we unpacked. I grabbed my quiver, packed with handmade arrows.

"What was that?" Bilbo asked, pointing over his shoulder to the dense forest. He was clearly unaware of what Orcs are, and most likely afraid of finding out his answer.

"Orcs." Kili had a look of fear on his face, as he too looked at the forest.

More screeching echoed out the forest and into the cold night air. Bilbo tiptoed around the area, still running in a way.

"Orcs?" His question to his answer had woken up Thorin. Surprising the Dwarf could sleep through the screeching.

"Throat cutters. There'll be dozens of them out there. The lone lands are crawling with them." Fili started.

Gandalf looked towards the brothers, unamused.

"They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep. Quick and quiet, no screams. Just lots of blood."
Kili ended.

Bilbo fearfully looked back at the forest, like he was waiting for them to jump out and murder us all.

Kili and Fili chuckled.

"That is enough." I scolded. "This is not a joke, none of this is." I readied an arrow and walked off to secure the area.

Thorin started to scold the boys as well, thinking the same as I.

"Where are you off to?" Gandalf quit smoking his pipe and turned to me.

"I'm off to check around the area, I'll be back in no less than 10 minutes."

Gandalf nodded me off, telling me to be careful.

I hopped down and around the camp, checking every nook and cranny. I wouldn't be surprised if there were Orcs surrounding us. I only questioned how they found us so fast.

I continued into the dark woods, mostly to clear my head. I haven't forgotten the surreal dream, or nightmare, that occurred back at Bilbo's hobbit hole. I couldn't  wrap my head around what it was, or what she was as I should put it. The demon screamed to be let out, and for what? 

I'm not quite sure if I should ask Ada or let it be, I believe I should question him about the fire incident as well. Or, maybe that's a bad idea.

Suddenly the echoing snap of a twig brought me from my thoughts. I froze in my place, my bow ready with an arrow armed. I listened to the sounds of the woods, but I could hear nothing except the eerie winds and the quiet scratching of animals. Leaves blew past and around me, as if they were circling me.

"What's this?" An unearthly hoarse voice whispered. I could hear the voice in every direction, as if the voice was surrounding me. 

I could feel fear rising in my chest, the voice was familiar.

"Who's there!" I yelled out, my attempt to be fearless was a failure. My voice was shaken, my breath caught in my throat. It felt as if I was drowning.

The voice only laughed.

"It's only a matter of time (Y/n)."  The voice taunted.

I felt my heart drop as the voice said my name. "Who are you!" I yelled fiercely this time. "How do you know my name?" My voice dropped to a whisper, my grip on my bow loosened but I quickly regained hold.

"Soon I'll be out. You'll have no more strength to fight my coming, you'll find out exactly who you are."

Suddenly it was quiet, too quiet for my taste. There was no more scratching from animals, no more leaves crunching or wind rushing. 

I realized my hands were white from my grip, my whole body was shaking. What was that? That voice. I've never felt such fear like now.

"(Y/n)! There you are!" I jumped and swiftly turned my bow towards the new voice. 

Kili stood at the end of my bow, the arrow nearly touching his nose.

"Jumpy are we?" He chuckled and pushing my bow out of his face. "Gandalf was growing worried, asked me to go find you. Hey, are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding and put down my bow. "I'm fine Kili." I waved him off, "Let's head back to the others, I don't wish to worry Ada any longer."

By morning (Y/n) had forgotten the whole ordeal. Yet, no matter what Gandalf did to aid in keeping it in, nothing could erase the terror she felt from the voice. She could feel the shivers down her spine, yet doesn't know the reason.

Gandalf took the liberty of erasing what memories she had from the incident, he could feel the destruction, the rage, radiating off her petite body.  He didn't expect her to come out so soon. Especially now during such a treacherous journey.

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