To protect us from what

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Hey guys :) this is kinda my first real book on wattpad, so I'm really really sry if it sucks or if there's spelling mistakes or grammar and stuff like that... But I hope u guys like it! Comment and vote and I'll try and update more if u want... Happy reading :)

prolog / chapter one

Thursday, September 6th, 2091

Life is short. I learned that almost 5 years ago on my 11th birthday, the day my eldest brother, Scott, was shot to death. 12 bullets to the chest, and I watched helplessly screaming, Crying, and praying that maybe, just maybe he would live.

He was 22 years, 4 months and 7 days. In my opinions that's not a long enough.

I loved him. I still do, maybe even more so. He was my role model. Everything I wanted to be. Brave, strong and ... fearless, but I never got a chance to tell him that last one because I only ever saw it I his dying moments.

I've still got 3 living older brothers, and a mother. My father is dead. He died a month after I was born, sadly I never actually got to know much about him, and there's no pictures where I'm from, but that's another story. Although she never looks straight into anyone's eyes, Mum says dad died in a crash, but Hunter says he just never came home from work that day. Which isn't unheard from my state. People just disappearing, never to be seen again. But that's not the point, I'm not even sure Hunter was telling the truth when he told me, he was only 5 when it happened, and he's my youngest older brother, now he's 21 and sticking to the same story. So it's either to scare me, or it's true. My second youngest older brother is 22 and his name is James, and my oldest living brother is named Thomas, he's 26

All of my brothers are at least 6 feet tall and pretty strong, although they look quite lanky. Thomas has dark brown, almost black hair, and green eyes, like the tales say dad had. James and Hunter both have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, like mum. Scott had brown hair and green blue eyes, like a mixture of them both. All the boys are quite handsome, but I wouldn't get caught dead saying that out loud, and when they smile the edges of there eyes wrinkle.

Me, I'm Aaron, I honestly think I was accident, but mum swears she was just giving her and dad time to recover for the 4 boys before. I don't believe her, but it's ok. I truly think they panicked though and guessed I would be like the rest. Boys. I know the name Aaron can be for boys and girls, only it's spelled differently. So technically I have a boys name. I don't remember but mum says when I was 5 she tried to explain it to me and I cried for a week so she gave me a middle name Riley. Most people don't have middle names anymore, I'm not quite sure why though, blame the government. For 3 years I when by Riley but by the time I was 8 I didn't care anymore and it fell back to Aaron. Aaron Riley Grey. I'm tall with dark hair and tan skin, I've got bright green eyes and a slim body. I live with a widow mum and 3 older brothers. In my past I experienced horrible things no one should go though, but I'm still here. I guess that just makes me braver and stronger than the rest of the state. I'm still working on the fearless thing. Tomorrow is my 16th birthday, but no on is aloud to have parties here, so mum just makes us special dinners. No one is supposed to make a deal about anything. Everything is simple and our government thinks progresses is unhealthy and unneeded, because they think life is god damn perfect.

Everyone wears the same thing. White top black bottoms. Men have short hair. Women have longer hair. Men work labour jobs. Woman work in kitchens or gardens on their hands and knees. Every house is the same, grey cubes with 2 small windows. One in the kitchen and one in the living room. All of the houses are the same size. Small, 3 floors plus a basement, but each floor is extremely small. Because of that each house has 3 bedrooms, 1 for mum, 1 for me and Hunter, and 1 for James. Thomas lives with his fiancée three blocks away . Each house only has 1 bathroom too, which I say from experience isn't easy living with so many boys.

Every street is the same, long dirt roads. No one has cars or trucks, like the stories Nanny told me from when she was young. There are trains that go through the main streets of cities, but other than that you walk. The government seam to think people won't want to explore if they have to do it on foot, they'll be more likely to go from home to work and back again, no stopping at you friends house or taking the scenic route, not that there is one. If you ever do walk the shoes are horrible with hard souls, and tight toes. It's like our government is pushing us back in time. School history class in pointless because the teachers have been told not to tech about resistance or wars. Actually school in General is needless for the jobs we get as house wife's and loggers. Who the hell is going to need algebra if one don't even have a choice if you work in the kitchen or not. Grampa would tell us about things called cell phones, little tiny phones that you could bring anywhere with you. Now there is one phone in each house, ours is in the living room. Just like every other house in my state. Because being like everything else is perfect, says the government. Just god damn perfect. Even the food is horrible. It's too simple. I remember mum would make pancakes for special occasions, but for good food you need good ingredients which cost money that we don't have. Nobody has money but soldiers. Because they sit on their lazy fat arses and only stand up to shot the people who put a toe out to line.

There are 49 states on the earth. I live in state number 17. Every state is surrounded by a 12 meter wall. The walls are said to be as thick as a house, but no ones ever gotten close enough and lived to tell the tale. The wall is guarded 24/7 by an army of strong men. Our text books say that the wall is there to protect the people of each state so there are no wars, but James says that there are miles and miles of open space between the states, although I don't know how he would have come to that information. Each state is ruled by a different man or women. As a group they are called the government, they make all of our rules. If you disrespect or don't obey the government they will make you disappear. Once they give the command every soldier is after you. Honestly I've always wondered why they are so keen to tells us how war is horrible and the walls are there to protect us, but if the government rules the whole earth then why would they be so worried about wars? Why would they need the walls ? To protect us from what ?

This chapter was more of a prolog to get u guys up to date with my idea for the story... Comment if u like it and want more or even if it sucks, I'd like to hear what u have to say about it.


Ps. Guys the story changes into Aaron's POV in the next chapter, and the story really starts so please please please just give it a chance I don't care if u like it, I just really want feed back on my writing. Thx

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