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Chapter four

Friday, September 7, 2091

The train slowed to a bumpy stop, clanging noisily, and Hunter and I prepared to get off. Our bags back on tightly and our guns at the ready in case anyone was hiding waiting to attack us. The rusty doors open with horrid squeaking, and we jump out. The darkness is our only cover. If anyone was to shed some light we'd be dead. Hunter grabbed my hand and guide me throughout the maze of houses to number 589. Hunter looked around for a moment, checking to see if we'd been followed. So I did the same, nothing. Then he turned back around and knock four times on the door waited a second and then did it again. I wonder if it was secret knock or something cool like that or if I'm just picturing everything to be a challenge. After a second we could hear faint noises on the other side of the door and then there was the sound of about ten different locks being unlocked. We wait for another moment, wonder if someone would look outside if they heard the racket coming from there neighbours house. Finally the door swung open and Hunter guided me in.

It was for the most part very dark, but a pale white light was coming from downstairs. I looked around and saw it was just like my house. Everything was placed in the same spot the only difference was the dark figure standing behind the closed door, locking the many locks again. I'm pretty sure it was a man, tall and thin with broad shoulders and muscular arms. I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he had short dirty blonde hair and sandy skin. He turned to us, his face emotionless. He had deep blue eyes and sharp features, his cheeks had a hollow look to them. He gives me the chills.

"Hunter." He nods, his voice was low and I could feel myself hanging on to his every syllable. Then he looks at me.

"And you are?" His eyebrows furrow questionably.

"Aaron." I say firmly. I feel like If I show any weaknesses he'll take me down in instant. His eyes travel from my feet to my face, not slowing down anywhere in particular. It wasn't a 'checking you out' look. It was more of an 'your not going to last a day' type of thing.

"Aaron this is Jordan. Jordan this is Aaron, my little sister." He introduces us to one another to try and break the silence. It doesn't work. We're still staring at each other. I realize he doesn't look much old than me, and it makes me feel strong, like he can't hold it over me that I'm a little kid.

"Jordan who's there?" A girls voice calls from the basement. His eyes still not leaving mine he calls back.

"Hunter and his sister."

"Let's go." Says Hunter breaking the awkward moment by stepping in between us and heading down the stairs.

"Ladies first." Jordan's deep voice says almost to quiet to even hear. Chills run down my spine, as his finger tips touch my shoulder and guide me to the stairs. I carefully steps, my heavy bag making it harder than I anticipated.

His basement is the same as ours, only it's got a small set of table and chairs, cramped in the corner were six other people in dark clothes were sitting.

"Hey, I'm Dee, Jackson." A pretty bleach blonde girl says, she looks a few years older than me, around Hunter's age. She gets to her feet and walks over to shake my hand.

"I'm Aaron." I smile nervously.

"Sup Aaron?" A muscular dark haired boys asks, also getting to his feet. "I'm Mason."

By the time mason is done shaking my hand the other four have made a line to introduce them self's.

"Sophia." The only other girl in the room says approaching me. She sounds like she's got a Spanish accent. She has wavy ombré hair and warm brown eyes. I can tell from the corner of my eye Hunter is checking her out.

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