Chapter 1

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I was sitting in the parlor of our very large house when dad came in.

"Hey guys look what l brought you" he said carrying a lot of flasks in his hands as he tried to close the door

"What did you bring?" I asked.

"You're seeing flasks and you're still asking, you just can't be my sister " Glen my brother said without even being asked. He really annoys me most of the times so l just ignored him

"It's not as if l care about that" I replied rolling my eyes

Dad gave us all a flask each and went to his room then we all drank the content in it, BLOOD! Okay I'm a vampire girl living undercover in New York, trust me no one knows about it. I am 15 and till now I do not know how to hunt for blood yet. I'll never stop wondering how dad and Glen do it. Even if I ask them to teach me, "No, you're too young! " ls what they will say probably, but I'll never stop trying anyway.

"Glen, can you teach me how to hunt blood?"

"No, go ask your dad if he doesn't tell me to, I can't sorry " he said carelessly

"Oh damn it" l said throwing a tantrum "I already know he would say a huge no"

"Just try maybe he'll say yes"

"In my dreams right?" I said heading to dad's room upstairs

"I'll be watching INFINITY WARS, bye" I know he's doing that to annoy me again

"Don't you dare" I shouted from above

"You'll come back to see me watching it" he answered.

I knocked and entered dad and mums room, dad sure didn't see me enter because he was on his laptop. I picked a chair and sat next to him

"Dad, dad" I called out, it seemed he was sleeping on his laptop but he wasn't. At last he noticed me and asked what I was doing there. "I want to talk to you "

"I'm all ears, but just try and be quick" He answered still looking at his laptop

"Dad I want to learn how to hunt for blood" I said trying to put on some puppy eyes which I learnt really makes humans heart melt, but it's not as if I could do it anyway.

"I wish you could understand me, I don't want you to get hurt in anyway, Valerie " who told him I could not protect myself?

"Dad, I've finally gotten my powers and I can use it for hunting " He really thinks I'm still a baby I'm sure even babies hunt for blood themselves ,he's just being overprotective of his 15 year old daughter.

"Valerie I've made my decision and its final " he said with a bit of anger in his voice. I was about to leave when mom came into the conversation

"Adrian I think she is right, you shouldn't be over protective on her, she's old enough to learn" I just felt like hugging her, she saved me against dad, if not for her what could I have done

"I'm not being over protective " dad said, he'll never admit it, would he?

"What if something bad happens to us, how would she live on her own?" She added, she's making the same sense I always did

"That's why we have immortality..." Dad said but is cut short by mum

"And that's the reason I want her to learn to hunt , she can't easily get hurt " dad probably was out of words so he surrendered

"Okay Valerie we'll start learning tomorrow" l was so happy I'd have done my happy dance but I don't want to behave stupid here. I gave dad a big hug and I thanked mum then left the room for the parlor.

Glen paused the movie "what did he say?" He asked with a caring voice

"He said I'm going to start tomorrow" I answered and that's where I did my happy dance which was obviously ugly

"Please stop" Glen said faking a cry "I might die watching you do that "

"That's for watching the movie without me" I said victoriously

"What could I have done?, you were spending a year there" he said obviously exaggerating

"You're so lucky you got an excuse but you have to start from the beginning " I said as I jumped into the sofa then he rewound. I'm so happy, I can't wait for tomorrow.


Sorry about the bad book cover its not fit for the story and is ugly right? Well it's not totally my fault. I don't want to download any book cover app. So Just forget about the displeasing book cover, this is my first book and I don't know how to do that stuff but Don't forget to,





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