~I Hate You, I Love You~

23 1 4

(Warning! Lots of swearing. This is Superfell Dj x Sarah. Enjoy!)

The 4'8 tall demon sat in the lab with bandages over her right eye. Her shirt had gotten ripped during the fight and now it looked like a crop top that showed a little too much cleavage. Her hair was a dirty and bloody mess and she had bruises and deep gashes everywhere. Rubbing the tattoo on her left arm, she rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Stupid brother." She mumbled. She had gotten in a fight with her brother earlier that morning. She could still remember it so well.


Sarah was in her room sleeping, half way off her bed when she was woken up by yelling and stomping. She sat up just in time to see her younger, yet much taller, brother kick down her door. Literally. It was laying on the floor. She glared at him and he did the same.

"Something I can help you with? Or are you just breaking everyone's fuckin door this morning?" She spoke with a scowl. Not a smart thing to do. It just pissed the dragon off more. He stood in the doorway, his black and red clothes making him look just like his father, Papyrus.

"Want to explain to me why your chores haven't been completed?" He crossed his arms and took a few steps into her room.

"No. Do you want to explain why you're in my room? You didn't even knock." This pissed him off to no end. Sarah could practically see the smoke coming out of his nose. Probably because there was smoke coming out of his nose. He stomped his way over to her and grabbed her by the collar of her red t-shirt. He yanked her up out of bed and brought her to his face as she hung a foot above the floor.

"I highly suggest you rethink your choice of words." He narrowed his eyes at her and she did the same.

"And I highly suggest you brush your fuckin teeth." That was the last straw. Dj tightened his grip on her shirt then suddenly released as he threw her at the wall. She crashed to the floor and attempted to get up but Dj pressed his foot into the small of her back, pinning her to the floor. She lifted her head and looked at him. He had a sharp bone in his hand. Aimed at her.

"You gonna explain it now?" She smirked and scoffed.

"Over my dead body."

"I can arrange that." Dj removed his foot from her back and swung it at her stomach. He continued to kick and punch her, her shirt getting torn up and bruises forming all over her body. Gashes started to appear as she lay in broken glass from the day before. He raised the sharp bone over his head and swung it down toward her face. She screamed as it sliced over her right eye. Blood poured from the wound, seeping into her eye. She looked up to see Dj walking away. She grabbed onto her dresser and pulled herself up off the floor. Snapping her fingers she teleported to the lab and collapsed onto the hard, tiled floor right in front of Alphys and her daughter, Kayla. Then she blacked out.


She growled and stood up, kicking the wall with her combat boots. "Fuck him!" A bone suddenly appeared out of the ground, startling her. She turned to her left, seeing a very familiar face. "What the fuck do you want?" Dj just stood there staring at his sister. Until he noticed the bandage over her eye. She noticed where he was looking and growled, turning her body away from him. He then noticed the gashes on her back. They were deep and uncovered, mostly likely on their way to getting infected. Dj approached his sister slowly, as if she were a wild animal. 

"You're hurt." She scoffed at his words, not even bothering to look back at him. "Come on." He lightly touched her shoulder and she jumped at the sudden contact. She looked up at him and snarled. "Let's get you home."

"Don't touch me." She crossed her arms and began to stomp her way out of the lab. Dj followed not too far behind, but not too close. If he pissed her off any more she could end up lashing out at him, which in turn would damage her body even more. However, he started to catch up to her as her place slowed down. He looked down at her to see her just staring at the ground as they walked. He didn't want to admit it, but he felt bad for hurting her. This was his sister after all. It didn't matter how many fights they got into. They were still family. 

"Hey." She ignored him. He didn't continue speaking until they were back in Snowdin. "I'm sorry." This made Sarah stop everything she was doing. She slowly looked up at him with her uncovered eye as wide as a saucer. 

"What?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The Devious Dj, son of The Terrible Papyrus, was apologizing? To his useless, lazy bone sister? She shook out of her trance when she noticed him walking into their house. She followed after him, trying to grab his attention as he made his way upstairs. "Dj!" He just walked into the bathroom and she heard the bathtub turn on. She made her way upstairs and saw him place a clean white towel down on the counter as well as a new set of clothes. They weren't his clothes though. "Dj?" He walked up to her and grabbed her hand gently, leading her into the bathroom. She just stood there trying to process what was happening. While she was distracted, Dj pulled her shirt over her head and slid her skirt off her hips. Her combat boots and socks came next, along with her gloves and undergarments. DJ picked her up carefully and set her down in the bathtub as it was now full of warm water and bubbles.

"Just relax." She was still trying to process everything while Dj scrubbed her short hair with shampoo, then taking a small cup and poured water over her head for rinsing. He did the same with conditioner. Afterward, he grabbed a soft washcloth and put some body wash on it. He hooked his arm around Sarah's waist and pulled her closer toward him, then gently rubbed the soap onto her back, being extra careful with the cuts. She flinched every time he touched one of them with the washcloth. "I'm sorry." She turned her head slightly to look at him.

"What?" He sighed. 

"I'm sorry. I never meant for it to go this far." She turned her whole body to face him, everything from her chest down concealed by the bubbles. "I never wanted to admit it but, I feel bad every time you get hurt because of me." He was actually being sincere. She couldn't believe it. She almost didn't want to believe it. 

"Well, it's also kinda my fault. I always piss you off, no matter what I do." He leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. She did the same and they sat there for a while. Sarah eventually opened her eyes to see Dj looking at her. She just smiled. "I hate you."

"I love you too." 

(Yay it's finished. I've been working on this for a while and it's finally done. It's shorter than the last one shot but not all of them are gonna be over 5000 words long. Anywho, hope ya enjoyed.) 

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