~Blood, Blood, and More Blood~

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(Happy Halloween! It's Ebony! Sorry for the lack of updates these past few days, or rather weeks I guess. But I've got a new one shot for you guys! And it's an x reader! Yay! Today we have a Superspook! Sarah x Male! reader. And just to let you guys know, Superspook is basically Horrortale, but in Supertale. If that makes sense. Also, Sarah is not 4'5 in Superspook. She is a whopping 6'4 according to Oblivion. In this, the reader is 5'8. Anyway, enjoy!)

(Did I mention there's blood? ~Ebony) Snow crunched under the human's feet as he sprinted away from the purple doors. He needed to get as far away from that crazy goat as possible. She killed her own mother and almost killed him as well. Luckily, he was able to make it out alive. He stopped running and leaned against a tree, catching his breath. This place was crazy. Everyone he had met so far was insane. Once he caught his breath he stood straight and took in his surroundings. There were trees and snow. The trees were completely stripped of any leaves, the bare branches covered in ice and pearly white snow. The human smiled at the pretty sight, until he saw it. Just a couple feet away from him, in front of the trees, was a puddle of blood. The beautiful snow was tainted red in that area, and the darkness within the trees screamed danger.

That's when he heard it. A chuckle. It slowly turned into a feminine sounding giggle until it suddenly stopped altogether. As if it was a recording that someone paused or stopped before it even finished. "H-hello?" He slowly crept toward the trees. "I-is someone there?" He peeked his head into the darkness for a moment.

"you must be really stupid." The human spun around quickly, locating where the voice came from. He froze, paralyzed in fear as he stared at someone just three feet away. They were female, that much was obvious. She towered over him by eight inches at the least and she stared at him with a crazed look in her blood red eyes. Her brown hair looked as if she had a bad day at the salon. Half of it looked to be shaved off by force and the remainder was knotted and had dried blood in it. On the shaved side of her head, a large gash exposed part of her cracked skull and a little bit of her brain while blood seeped down her face and over her eye. One of her long pointed ears was almost completely torn off, making the human think it wasn't even there. As he continued observing her face, a large smile that stretched ear to ear crept onto her lips, revealing large sharp teeth. Her blood coated canines were the largest teeth in her mouth as they overlapped her bottom lip.

He realized that she was slightly hunched over and leaning more to her right instead of standing straight up. She wore a light blue shirt that was torn, only covering her small breasts and part of her shoulders. A black and white striped scarf was tightly wrapped around her upper right arm, partially cutting off circulation. As he looked down her body, he noticed just how thin she was. He could see her bones very easily underneath her scarred and cut up skin. Bite marks littered her arms, sides, and legs as well as cuts. A black skirt adorned her hips that was torn at the bottom, now proving useless as a skirt as it barely covered a pair of red panties. His gaze continued downward, taking note that she was standing there, in the snow, barefoot. Her toes had already turned blue while the rest of her feet were still as pale as the rest of her. His eyes trailed back up, noticing the giant axe in her claws. She held the wooden handle in a tight grip, the bloody axe head was three times the size of his head and the handle was just as tall as him. The last thing he noticed before making eye contact with the monster, was a spiked tail that slowly swayed behind her. (Challenge: Draw Superspook Sarah in this scene. ~Ebony)

"look at what we have here.~" The monster spoke in a luring voice. "been a while since I last saw a human." She disappeared out of existence only to reappear half a second later, directly in front of him. "and a male one at that.~" He gulped when she raised her left hand and placed one claw under his chin, lifting his head and forcing her to look at him. She stared into his eyes for a moment before taking a step back. Her arms hung at her sides while she still held the axe in her right hand. Her body swayed a little while she stood there. The human would've thought she was perfectly calm if it weren't for the occasional twitching of her eye.

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