Chapter 7

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Eliza's pov

Gabe fucked off out the room and I could hear clanging from where ever he's gone to. I heard Maggie begin to muffle again and in our reflection I saw peters rubbing his hand against hers the best he could, and honestly It broke my heart. This world did nothing wrong in this world and yet this is how they were to end, and it's a very shitty way to die (pardon the pun). I was the only one in this chain who could speak and honestly I felt as though everyone has a raging storm they wanted to scream at gabe. Word to persuade him to let them go. Words to comfort another. They didn't know gabe though. They didn't know that he was normal. I mean he was a little awkward and weird, but that's gabe for you, you'd never imagine him hurting a fly, in fact he loves animals yet here he is, subjecting 4 people to unimaginable torture based on pure fiction. I wanted to know what sparked this changed in him, the movies couldn't have done it alone. I mean I'd seen his YouTube channel and honestly boi you can see he's up for some weird shit but nothing like this. Never something this face, and anyway there was no camera. He was doing this for himself.  Something traumatic must have happened to him, maybe the movies became a comfort and this is a coping mechanism, but what on earth could it be. He tells me everything, but he's hiding something.

Gabe returned and he had a little camping stove in hand

"I'm not a sick bastard, you won't be eating dog food" he laughed as he placed the stove down (and plugged it in? Lit it? What ever you do to turn one on). He pulled out a box of oats and some milk "this morning we shall have porridge. Very good for you" he said as he began to pour the milk and oats  in the bowl he had on top. "Our friend at the front here is lactose intolerant so later we will be able to test this thing out properly" he did a weird little cooky laugh before mixing the mixture and bringing it to a boil. We all glared at him as he brought out a spoon and came and sat in front of me. His legs crossed like a child in school.Eager, full of sick anticipation.

He dripped the spoon in and blew. I had flashbacks of us as children. Our mothers making us porridge for breakfast after sleepovers telling us it's good for our bones. The day he started using almond milk in his so I wouldn't feel left out when we found out I was lactose intolerant. When we'd make faces fro, fruit and threw it to one another. When we'd act out Oliver Twist. I never knew this is how it'd be when we grew up. When the milk spilt and Oliver shot. You can live back to back to another person and still never know their true being. Their dark thoughts. Maybe Gabe had been like this a while. Maybe I was trying to comfort myself, convicting myself it was trauma that turned him, not that he was a monster all along. Wolves hide in sheep clothing... he was a monster in a child's bodies. Hiding who he was till he had to escape the shell. Reveal his true nature and intention.

I tried to look back at old times, to see if warming signs but I couldn't think of any. Maybe I wasn't allowing myself to think of any

"Open wide" he said as he brought the spoon to my mouth, it wouldn't open however.  My body refused to inject it. I knew the consequences if I did. Although it might mean Harry won't do that again to me. Yes I found him attractive but for some reason it just made me feel so violated and uneasey. He could do that when ever he so darn pleased.

Gabe huffed slightly "Eliza, open up, I don't wanna force you" i felt my eyes burn, my mouth wouldn't budge and I could tell Gabe was getting more and more frustrated with me. 

Gabe suddenly grabbed my hand and yanked it up, I yelped in pain and that's when Gabe stuck the spoon in, but my reflex caused me to spit it back out. Gabe growled and I could tell he was loosing patience 

"I didn't want to do this Eliza, I thought we could play nicely" he sighed. I crawled back slight and pulled out the clean tube. I started to shake my head as I realised what he was going to do, I pulled my arms forward and began to crawl away in the mid panic, forgetting that I had three people behind me and nailed knees. I felt the pain before the weight and I let out another cry and gabe came back with a tube. he looked think he was thinking and I began to blubber and shake my head. 

Gabe walked of to the corner and pulled a smaller climbing frame stool things used for PE. he brought it over then stood like he was thinking again, but I already knew his intentions.

he ducked down and lifted up my arms, I screamed in pain and harry muffled. he lifted us up so that I was resting on it, raise upward, like a hissing centipede. he grabbed my jaw and squeezed and quickly shoved the tube down. I squealed and squirmed as I felt it rip through my throat. I'm pretty sure that Gabe had no idea what he was doing and I felt myself begin to choke.  I waved one arm around trying to grab for him, plead to him to just stop. Gabe ignored me and lifted the porriage and began to pour it down my throat. 

I didn't think my body could handle any of it anymore because everything went black.

Centipede of humans (Gabe Helmy) Where stories live. Discover now