The Cherry Fic

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I awake groggily, I can't remember anything. Yesterday was all a blur. I know Phil and I had been dating for a year now, it was our anniversary so we decided to have a party. I remember lots of alcohol, weird indie movies and boiled eggs. But now, where am I? I adjust my eyes and look around. It's bright, blindingly blight but I can make some obscure shadowy figures.I recognize chairs, what looks like an assortment of clothes and various objects on the floor and a TV. It's my room, well, mine and Phil's room. I wipe my eyes and get up, I'm in bed. Shritless, and wearing boxers. I take off the bed clothes and stand up. My body feels tense so I bend down and over to stretch.
"You're up, finally."
I recognize the voice. How could I not? It's Phil's voice. Vibrant and jubilant, lights my heart just hearing a vowel emitted from his mouth.
I turn around, Phil is standing there wearing a plain white tee and some gray sweat pants. His hair's a little messy but It's early in the morning. He's smiling, such a bright smile.
"Phil," I reply. I run up to him and embrace his nice slender body. I look him in the eyes, instantaneously we kiss. Our breath might smell like alcohol and eggs but it's still one of the most empowering kisses I've ever had.
One year, to think I've been with Phil for one year.
"You're in a good mood," Phil points out.
I let go and tears of joy flow from eyes, "How could I not be? I love you phil." I go back for another embrace followed by a sweet kiss. I get lost in him, in his everything. In his supple yet fortified body, in his sweet soft lips, in his gentle embrace, in the light of his own existence. He's my one my all, my alpha my omega, I can't describe how I feel. Call me a sexually misunderstood dramaqueen teen but goddammit I love phil. I'd love him as a girl, but I'm glad he's a guy.
So much time passes, it's a tongueless kiss. We don't need our tongues to dance to show our feelings, just the embrace is enough for us. I think to myself, "How long has it been? Minutes? Hours? Days? Years? Eons? This kiss seems laconic yet eternal. Perhaps my homo-erotic fantasies are taking over and this is the greatest feeling in the world, or perhaps I'm being admonished of what to come. But why do I know something bad will happen? What is this apprehensive feeling I have? It festers in my heart, diabolically ripping my feelings apart and smiting my love. No, go away! GO AWAY! Why am I screaming on the inside? Why are all these questions forming? I love Phil so what could be wrong? How long has this kiss been? What's going on?"
My thoughts are cut off immediately. The kiss fades away and I fall on my back. Blood is on my lips and down my chin but I didn't feel anything. I look up as my paralyzed body lies in a contorted position. In what looks look like a scene from a horror movie there stands Phil, his piercingly cold eyes, his menacing grin, and blood on his teeth. In his right hand is a syringe– an empty one at that. I feel dizzy.
"Phil," I struggle to call out to him, but no success. My mind drifts, my body fades. Like the pouring rain I feel gone. I drift off where exactly?...
A sudden jolt of electricity shoots through my spine as a stinging sensation emits from my chest. I cough up air that I choke on and crane my head forward giving me whiplash.
"AHH!" I scream in pain only for my mouth to be cupped. Phil's demonic eyes stare me into my soul. He has a vicious smile on his face.
"Scream and I kill you. Nod if you understand?"
I don't know what's going on, or why but I instinctively nod. He pushes me back and whips me again across my neck. I bite my lip and curl my toes and fingers as the searing burns fester. I'm chained, my arms and legs are restricted and I'm somewhere in a dark room.
Before I can recover from the previous mark of searing pain the whip cracks again against my right shoulder. My eyes widen and I suppress a scream but in a chained order the whip fluidly cracks itself against my stomach, back, and various appendages.
"OH GOD STOP!" I scream inside but it's no use. I cry, I cry heavily. I don't make any noises except for faint grunts of horror but my eyes won't stop leaking. The tears trickle down my face and tickle me. Not the fun friendly tickle, the irksome tickling that feels uncomfortable. Everything hurts, everything is black and gray as the whip snakes itself painfully upon my body. Phil's snapped, that's all I can say, but why? I try to think to last night but abruptly it's over.
"How does it feel, bitch?" Phil snaps. He accentuates the last word as if to let me know that I'm now his bitch.
I grit my teeth and lie, "It feels good babe," tears stream down my face faster.
Phil's lips curl again. He doesn't smile anymore, instead he horrifically curls his lips as if he's in a movie made by Tim Burton. He licks the tears off my face slurping them with the utmost obnoxious moans. It's not kinky licking, either, it's almost like Phil is slowly eating me like an ice cream. He's gonna thaw me by licking me all around until I'm nice and moist where then he'll take a bite and It'll be over- or at least that's the feeling.
"Your tears," Phil grunts between licks, "they're so delicious." He moans in pleasure.
I hold my tongue and try to suppress my every urge to scream but it's futile.
Phil suddenly stops licking me. He unchains me systematically, almost like he's a robot. I fall to the ground and hit my back. This pain is nowhere near as bad as what I just went through. I get up and am greeted by a fist across my cheek. It's blindingly fast and unexpected. I slam back into a wall coughing up blood on the way. Before I can collect my bearings Phil charges toward me, swinging his whip passionately against my withered body. The whip travels its way painfully across myself each strike so much more deadly than the last.
"WHY WON'T YOU TALK TO ME!!!???" Phil demands in between whippings.
I reply in between the whippings, "I.. didn't... know... you... wanted.. me... to Phil!"
Phil stops. He rests his whip and sighs. I fall down on my knees covered in bruises and blood. I cough up thick red phlegm and hope it's over. But of course, it isn't. Phil roughly grabs my hair and drags me against he cold concrete floor. He takes me to a sink and bends my head back in the bowl. I stare up at the faucet knowing what comes next. Burning hot water pours down like a waterfall smothering my face. It seeps into my mouth, down my nostrils, clogging my ears, and sliding underneath my eyeballs. The pain is never ending, never ceasing, it goes on and on burning worse and worse. I try spitting out the water but more comes in. I'm choking, burning and drowning at the same time. I feel my consciousness fade but then it stops.. Abruptly Phil pulls out my head. I take a deep breath that is short lived. Swiftly he dunks my head in a bucket filled with freezing water. At first it feels pleasant the cold water, but then it burns. It freezes over on my face and burns me worse than the hot water. I yell my heart out in the water bubbles quickly travel up to the surface repeatedly popping. Phil pulls me out again and leans in near my wet and burnt face.
"So?" He asks, "Anything to say?"
I spit water in his face.
Phil wipes the water off his face and curls his lips again. He throws me against a wall and I slink down. He looms over me and unzips his pants.
"You might like to spit but I'll make you swallow." His pants and boxers fall in sync with each other. Before I can take a good look, he forces my head towards his crotch. I feel it, his penis rests inside my mouth. It's flaccid, but it won't be for long.
"Bite it Dan!" I yell at myself, but no. I know the consequences. I'm in a much weaker state than Phil so even if I did bite it, he'd catch me after recovering from the pain and then I'm screwed even worse. I decide to go with the flow, It's not like I've never given Phil oral before.
I wrap my tongue around his flaccid penis and snake it down all the way to the base. It's shaved just like mine allowing this to be a more pleasant experience. I allow my saliva to lubricate it and tickle the base and shaft with the tip of my tongue. I can feel it slowly getting bigger. I retract my tongue and push it up against the tip, allowing the saliva to seep inside his meat. Then I rest my tongue inside the meat of his penis sucking him from the inside out. I slowly and faintly swivel from side to side, in a way jacking him off from the inside of his penis. By now it's at full length. I go in deeper allowing the penis to tickle the roof of my mouth and press on towards the back. I have no gag reflex so I'm perfectly okay with this. The soft underside of my lips nuzzle against the lower part of his shaft as my tongue curls around it, taking a brief respite only to continue on to snaking it's way through the meat. I can feel Phil's penis slowly rustle. He's starting to cum so I switch gears. I take my right hand and grip his base rubbing it up and down in my mouth while my tongue viciously slithers all over. It leaves its wet marks all over the shaft and tip while my hands roughly rub against the base. His penis lurches, it pumps itself once, then twice, and then on the third time I feel the ejaculation slowly seep down my throat. I swallow, I allow the liquid to travel it's way down my neck and into my stomach while my tongue cups the residue and lithers its way all over Phil's dick. It finally stops and pull out slowly allowing a strand of saliva to rest on the tip of Phil's penis.
I lay back and smile at a job well done. Then look up hoping for a smile on Phil's face.
His hand quickly covers my face and squeezes against my head. He throws me onto the floor where my chains were and quickly dresses himself. I struggle to my feet allowing myself to regain my conscience but Phil is already there. He grabs my right arm and chains it. I decide not to fight back, what would it accomplish anyway? Phil would just overpower and torture me more. Soon, my entire body is chained, I've never felt so scared before but I swallow my fear.
"So Phil," I swallow, "what's going on now?" Fear picks apart my insides and spoils my stomach. I feel like throwing up.
He remains silent and grabs his whip.
"NO..." I think. I know what he's planning but how? I push thought of my mind but it gnaws itself at the back of my head.
He unzips my pants, and rips off my underwear revealing my flaccid penis. It occurs in slow motion. The uncurling of the whip as it slices through the air. My visage of shock as I quickly shut my eyes hoping this is all a dream and the snap. The crack as the whip unleashes its wrath. It slaps me straight on against the base of my penis and manages to slap itself against my testicles. This is beyond pain. This is nothing I've ever experienced or imagined could happen to me. My penis burns and my testicles seem to go inside my body and shoot themselves throughout my insides. Metaphors can't describe the sheer suffering I'm going through. The concentration of 1000 thousand suns all imploding into a black whole that sucks every joyous feeling I've ever had only to regurgitate themselves in a supernova of pain course throughout myself. I scream at the top of my lungs trying to express this sheer pain. I grate my vocal chords and end up choking on my own air causing me to cry out. The tears burn themselves on my cheeks as my anaerobic body is dealt with another smash against my genitalia. It tugs on every nerve in my body and explodes every synapse. My arms curl themselves in pain as the veins twist and convult to express my suffering. I hit the wall. It's done now, I can't go on. I pass out from the sheer shock of the pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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