"HENNESSY" my mom yelled "COMMING"I said I run down stairs see breakfast is on the table. This is good,I said I go out of my chair a walked to school."hey",said Cameron Dallas walking over to me."oh hey cam"I said.i could tell he was worried about me at the beginning but so what he's my best friend."so tell me why haven't u been here in a month" he said.i did not wanna tell him cause it was too personal so I wanted to keep it to my self."oh I was just busy with stuff"I said to Cameron I could tell he did not believe me by the sad look on his face so I had to tell him"look Cameron I was gone because my stupid father sacrificed my heart to his wife so she could live he thinks I'm dead right no"I said I did it I told him
Sorry this episode was short hope u enjoyed
The dead side
Horreurhennessy was an trapped girl who wanted to find a way to get her dad killed she can control everything except for the other side of her,THE EVIL SIDE she came to get her dad for everything he has done to her with a little help of her friends and the...