Chapter one

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I am so excited I am seeing my family again I can't wait to see my mum and dad and my little sister Catherine. I wonder how much she's grown last time I seen her was for X factor and that was 3 years ago.

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Me and the boys just got out of the car in front of my house. We walk right in and we were all tackled in a huge bear huge my mum. " I missed you so so much harry " she said to me with a wide smile on her face. ' Hi mum missed u too ' I said giving her a kiss on the cheek. ' Where's Catherine ' I asked my mum looking around confused? " She's on her way home from school she should be home any minu-" she didn't finish before the front door slammed open and their stood a girl I couldn't even recognize without a second look.

It was Catherine but totally different 3years ago she had brown curly hair green eyes and was about 5'3 now she has long straight dyed blond hair light blue contacts in and was 5'8.she had at least a pound of makeup on her face that covered all her freckles, her now blonde hair was teased and she had a pair of super short denim shorts with a tucked in tank top that said ' cute as f#%k' and a beanie that said 'reckless' and black converse. I was so surprised I actually gasped so did the boys. " Hey cat" my mum said "Harry and the boys will be staying here for a bit while their on tour" 'okay' she said and walked up stairs quickly. I was at a lose of words 'who was that' I asked my mum. " well I should have told you, cat changed a little bit since you left" she said lowly. ' a little... I didn't even recognize Catherine.' I said. We all look towards the stairs to see Catherine standing there. "I'm going out i'll be back later" "cat wait, don't you want to say hi to your brother and his friends and see if they want to go with you" my mum said irritated. Catherine sighed over dramatically "hi harry... hi Harry's friends, bye" and walked two the door "LETS GO IF YOUR COMING" she yelled to us. " bye mum love you" we all ran after Catherine who was walking down the side walk. 'wait up Catherine' I yelled, she stopped dead in her tracks and swung around with a hard glare on her face. I was silent 'what did I do' I asked, "my name is not Catherine call me cat it's my name" she said and walked off leaving us all shocked.q

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About 10 minutes of walking we walked up to a house, cathri- cat walk right up the steps and I'm the house.. so we followed "hello" we heard a man say "it's cat Mr. Johnson" "oh, hey cat, She's in her room" he said back. "thanks" she yelled, cat ran up the stairs and into a room we followed behind hesitantly. We walked in to the room to see a girl talking to cat. Her eyes went wide when she seen us cat noticed and told her in with her.

About 20 minutes of all 7 of us getting to know each other cat and her friend Katie told us to leave the room for like 5 minutes. we did we noticed she changed and we wanted to get on her good side.


I walked home from school with my girlfriend of 5months Katie,yea I'm bi don't hate. We kissed went our separate ways I walked in my house and seen my brother an his band oh god this can't be happening. They all stared at me and gasped. what did I have something on my face. My mum said something and I just zoned out and said 'hi' and quickly went upstairs. I called Katie and asked if I could come over she said 'of course' I went back down stairs and my mum said say hi I said hi and they came.When we got there i walked right in the house the boys looking a bit shocked 'hello' mr.Johnson said 'its cat mr.Johnson' oh hello cat she's upstairs' I ran upstairs an right into her room. she smiled from ear to ear and started talking about our 6 month anniversary coming up then she noticed the boys like awkwardly standing their 'that's my brother and his friends' I whispered to her. She visibly relaxed, about 20 minutes later of all of us talking I asked if the boys could go stand in the hallway, Katie looked confused I gave her a look and it immediately clicked for her. they closed the door and Katie jumped on my lap and instantly connected our lips she pushed me down on the bed and hovered above me not breaking the kiss. I put one of my fingers in her belt loop and the other hand on her neck to deepin the kiss or snog I should say. Her hands found there way up my shirt. She was just about to lift up my shirt when the boys came barging in and all gasped and harry looked beyond pissed. "Let's go we're leaving" harry harshly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder 'PUT ME DOWN' i yelled at Harry "no" Harry growled. 'bye Katie love u ' I said harry tightened his grip on me. When we got outside ' FUCKING PUT ME DOWN HARRY ' i screamed at him he put me down and looked me straight in the eyes and said "what the hell were you doing" ' kissing my girlfriend what the hell did it look like' " I don't want you to date her anymore" Harry said.

I'll try to update everyday 😘


- savannah

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