Chapter 4- Let's Go.

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You were all on the plane with Nathalie there for some reason unbeknownst (that is a word) to you.

You- Bishop what's your loadout?

Bishop- m249 compact 80 round mag with a 4x scope foregrip and flash eliminator which I won't be able to carry with me another weapon I have is the lynx semi automatic sniper rifle, 12 round mag with 14x scope and suppressor. Pistol is baretta 92fs gifted to me by my father. Cipher your loadout.

Cipher.- mpx with a 50 round drum mag and holographic sight and suppressor. A k-31 ldmw which is customised to my preference and pistol is the same as bishops just with a spec ops finish.

Nathalie- alright we're touching down, Emilia I hope you picked something inconspicuous.

Emilia- yeah... Inconspicuous.

(a few hours before)

Emilia and Connor were looking at a pair of black Ford shelbys.

Connor- inconspicuous?

Emilia- definitely.

Connor- then it's settled

Back to present

Nathalie- alright let's go

You all walked out the back of the plane to a borrowed military Air strip.

Y/n- el, I want you two scout the meeting area. If they've got eyes I want eyes on those eyes.

Ela- got it

Y/n Bishop, I want you changed and concealed weapons ready in 10 minutes.

Bishop- aye cap

Y/n- Cipher, get the vehicles and rondevous ready we may have to throw these guys of our scent.

Emilia- understood.

Y/n- 10 minutes everyone that's all we got till we move out to the safe house.

After giving out all the commands which felt pretty good. You went to see Ela about what happened before.

Y/n- Elzbieta.

Ela- y-y/n! Don't startle me like that you idiot!

Y/n- a militant like yourself should be aware of her surroundings.

Ela- anyways what's the meaning of this visit.

Y/n- I wanted to ask you about a little something.

Ela- make it quick.

You pulled out the tape that bishop was holding before.


Bishop- where da fuq is ma tape?

(back to the story)

Ela- yeah what about it?

Y/n- do you... Have feelings towards me?

Ela- ehhh maybe. What's it to you?

Y/n- maybe I'll give you a chance after this mission~

Ela- wait really?

Y/n- what you thought because your parents adopted me I'd say no?

Ela- when you put it that way yes.

Y/n- I mean once we get back from this, mayyybe we could go on a da-

Ela- yes.

Y/n- what?

Ela- yes I'll go on a date with you after this.

Y/n- then it's settled.

Ela- and they have snipers on the meeting place. Should we take them out or leave them?

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