Rough Seas

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Ocean. Nothing but boring old ocean. It has already been five days and Aqua was getting sick of seeing the ocean with every turn of her body she made. That is why she stayed below deck most of the time checking their maps to make sure they were going in the right direction, North.
     Right now Aqua had the map set out before her with BlackHawk at her side as she looked at it and the constellations which was her map of the stars. "If we continue due North through the Carsman Sea we should start to see some islands here and there," Aqua stated as she pointed on the far right side of the map.
"But if we continue to go north we are going to get caught in a deadly storm that no ships have managed to get through."
"They didn't have a person who could control water on their ship either. Plus if we go around, we risk not finding the island covered in stone."
BlackHawk decided against arguing with Aqua because he knew once she set her mind to something he couldn't change it. That, and she was his queen so he had to go along with what she wanted whether he agreed with it or not.
     Before BlackHawk could say anything to Aqua, the entire boat lurched underneath their feet, causing them to lose their balance. "Did we hit something?" Aqua asked not quite sure what was going on. "I'm not sure, we better go look," BlackHawk replied and began to walk to the door, but was thrown into Aqua where their faces were inches apart. A blush made Aqua's face warm and she tried to shove BlackHawk back but he was like a giant boulder and he wouldn't budge.
     Since they were now a couple, the first one Aqua had been in, she really didn't want to go too fast so she has been distancing herself a little bit.
     As their eyes gazed into one another's, the door burst open and in came a drenched Firestar causing them both to jump and move away from one another. The spell was broken. Firestar looked back and forth between the two with a confused and questioning look on his face, then shook his head as to clear his thoughts before saying, "You might want to get out here."
Aqua and BlackHawk exchanged glances before following Firestar to the door. Once the door was thrown open, they realized what was going on. The wind whipped Aqua's hair all around and into her face, when she could see, she was thrown off balance again.
The blue sky that was there earlier was no more, instead an almost black sky had taken its place. The storm had come suddenly and everyone was frantically running about to get the ship's cargo secure.
Aqua caught her balance as the ship tilted downward at the bow revealing a giant wave that was sure to capsize the ship, so Aqua did what she was trained to do; use her powers. It took all of Aqua's strength and concentration, but she was able to stop the giant wave. Just when she finished controlling the first wave, another one hit from the opposite direction. Aqua decided to put her hands in each direction to control the waves that came at her.
"I can't keep this up forever!" Aqua shouted out of breath to the captain at the helm. "Get us out of here!"
The captain at the wheel began to turn the ship, but a wave coming from the back caused the boat to tip throwing him overboard. Upon realizing that the captain was gone, BlackHawk stopped securing the cannon he was by, raced to the upper deck, and grabbed the continuously spinning wheel. He struggled to get the wheel to stop spinning, but eventually he was able to control it.
The ship rocked once more and Aqua turned her attention to the wave that had slipped past her, then another wave caused a cannon secured by a fraying rope to snap letting it slide across the deck and bowling Aqua over. Aqua was thrown into the cargo hold where she hit the back of her head. Then everything went black.

Note: My senior year has started recently and things are crazy right now. I have a minimum of three hours of homework due to taking AP Calculus Honors, so unfortunately I will be only publishing 1-2 chapters a month. I also updated my last chapter, so take a peak if you haven't already.

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