y/n (Sky) and your guy best friend (Gio) have known each other ever since the 1st grade and now just starting your half of high school life ! you guys tell each other all your secrets but... you guys just never told each other your liked each other...
SKY POV I slowly drift into my sleep , until I heard Gio whispers Goodnight baby girl to me , I was very happy VERY , and Then i passed out - 7:30 ***ALARM CLOCK BEEPS for the 7th time *** I wake up and Gio looks so cute when he sleeps , then I look at the time and PANIC AND YELL "7:30 CRAP WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE TO SCHOOL" Gio gets up , aww I am sad now... anyway he tosses a shirt on and ripped jeans while I put on my extra cloths ,
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And slip my hairs into a messy high ponytail tail "Hurry !!!!!" Gio tells me and grabs his car keys and opens the front door and his car door THIRD PERSON POV Y/n / sky rushes and grabs her bag and slams the door behind and and jump into the car , Gio steps on it 7 minutes later They pull into the parking lot and try as fast to get to first period (science)
GIO POV I sit near sky as usual and try to start working on my paper , but I couldn't stop thinking bout last night , it was the best , never could I ever been this happy with Mel and damm I know this is wrong but like my best friend is way better than an upgrade in all ways 😍🤤 I pull out my phone and text sky Gio - sooo 😏 Sky is typing..... Sky - hey so um last night ? Gio - yea what going on with us ? Sky - wanna talk after school ? Gio - yea um can we go to your house ¿ Sky - of course! :) Gio - meet me at the end of the hall Sky - byee byeee Gio - 😘
SKY POV The day literally felt like it took forever but it was actually really fast , I went to my locker and grabbed a couple things and I saw kris looking at me , I look away but he looks like he is coming closer to me and then GIO!
" KRIS I TOLD YOU I SWEAR" he yelled "Jeez dude relax I was going to Mel 😏" kris said and smirked "Oh whatever I don't care , have her" Gio said I didn't notice her next to me . Anyway me and Gio walk to my house , we put out bags down and talk
Me ~ sooo last night was um Gio ~ it was good, did anything change ? Me ~ no I don't think so (Yes ,SOMETHING BIG HAS CHANGED) Gio ~ Ight then , no feelings right ? Me ~ yea ig
But there it was again sparks , I felt those butterflies in my stomach , so I leaned on Gio and our lips touched again ;) he picked me up and cradled him as he walked up the stairs , he placed on my bed and closed the door , he took off his shirt and went for me . I snatched my shirt off now it was just me and my bra on the upper part of me and then went for him too , it was another intense make out , his hands were on my butt as I leaned him against my backboard of my bed , just when he was about to pull something else off , I heard a knock on my door . OH SHIT , it was my mom ,I told Gio to go hide under my bed , so he did . I placed a towel over my body and opened the door
" hey mom" I said quickly "Hey sweetie, just wanted to check because I seen Gio's backpack in the living room" she said confused "Oh um yea he came over and left that there , I'll just bring it to him tomorrow" "Okay honey , why do you have a towel ?" " I gotta take a shower !" Then I seen Gio's shirt on the floor but the light was off , I stepped on it and moved it behind my door "Alright buh bye 😘"
Authors 's note How'd y'all like this chapter ! 😍 next chapter coming in tmr 😆✨