Jinjin: G o o d m o r n i n g c l a s s ! (he already used 15 minutes of their class just by introducing himself..) *a very slow teacher*
Moonbin: Those who didn't bring their snacks with them can't enter this classroom.. arasso!? (snaps the board and his students got nervous.) *a strong teacher who's addictive in recess*
Rocky: Say ho ho!
Students: Ho ho!
Rocky: Say ho ho ho!
Students: Ho ho ho!
Rocky: Okay get 1 whole sheet of pad paper and describe my personality. Write it back to back!
Students: *le cries*
*A happy but strict and weird teacher*Mj: Wahahahahahahaha! wahahahahahha! *just a crazy teacher*
Eunwoo: Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. *A normal but boring teacher... thanks to his pretty face most of the students are listening*
Sanha: *still choosing among those 5 if who will be his teacher.*