1. Something special

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The elevator doors opened on the top floor of a skyscraper in Midtown, the one that housed the prominent Keller & Keller law firm. It was the first time Marlene had set foot on it and was amazed at how far reality had surpassed her all too fervent imagination. The floor beneath the twelve heels of his Louboutin was so polished that it seemed transparent, the walls were white, almost aseptic, adorned here and there by some perfect reproductions of famous paintings. The furniture, however, was modern and essential, in a very elegant way. He absently brushed against the belt of the white trench coat he was wearing, as he reached the front desk with a firm step. The woman over the counter, blonde and in her forties, greeted her with a smile. The girl's red-lacquered nails just leaned on the amber-colored glass shelf. He looked into the blonde woman's eyes and gently returned his smile.

"Good morning. I have an appointment with Mr. Keller, "he said firmly.

The woman's right forefinger slipped to the page of the huge agenda before her, then her eyes lifted from the white paper and Marlene saw her nod. "The lawyer is waiting for you, Miss Evans. Last door on the right, "he said.

Marlene threw her eyes on the corridor in front of her and began to walk, determined and elegant, while Monet and Van Gogh paraded beside her, until they were right in front of the dark walnut door of Andrew's office. He took a long breath and turned the polished brass handle. He crossed the threshold and he was there, sitting in his black leather chair. Marlene could not see him in the face, what he saw was only the back of the chair facing her, but the office was filled with the scent of him, the one who had given him for their sixth month together. He moved slowly toward the desk, while the man continued to give her back, busy reading one of his - as you saw her - boring files. He saw the male hand touch the envelope and smiled mischievously. Then he undid the belt of his white trench coat and let it slide down on the transparent floor, displaying the expensive black lace lingerie, Andy's present for the first six months together.

"Happy birthday, honey!" He exclaimed, resting both hands on his hips, waiting for Andrew Keller to turn around to enjoy the show he had carefully prepared for him.

The armchair swiveled slowly in Marlene's direction until two dark eyes like the night did not meet her, blue and confused. Her heart made a couple of somersaults in her chest and her body suddenly became rigid, as if struck by a Taser. The man in front of him, with his thick hair slicked back and a slanted smile on his lips, was not Andrew Keller at all, and the young woman did not know what to say or think. Quickly he bent to the floor to retrieve the trench that touched his heels, and then slip it at the speed of light under the amused gaze of the guy.

"How fast! Are you dressed already? "He heard him say, while he was busy tightening his belt around his waist.

"I thought this was Andrew Keller's office," he said, "or rather stammered," ignoring the irreverent question the man had just made.

He grabbed a pen from the pen holder and began ticking it on the envelope. His eyes were always on the woman who stood in front of him, visibly uncomfortable and more covered, but still very sexy.

"Yes, this is his office, but he had a mishap in court. Perhaps he should have warned her, "he chuckled, scanning her from bottom to top.

"Evidently, he could not," said Marlene, this time in tone.

Although she had carefully covered herself, in front of the stranger's gaze she still felt naked. He took a step back and then pulled out a half smile, an unlikely mix of embarrassment in a pure state and cordiality.

"Anyway, I apologize for the break-in. Good day, "he cut short, no more stammering. He, with a grin on his face, nodded and Marlene turned and rolled her eyes, mentally cursing the situation, to say the least uncomfortable, in which she was placed. Quickly she reached the door, opened it, went out into the corridor, closed it behind her and flashed in a flash. While in the elevator he reached the ground floor, he continued to look at his face reflected in the mirror. She was purple and hot and seemed to still feel the look of the man she met in that office. Hastily arrived at her car, she dashed to the driver's seat at the same instant when the display on her smartphone lit up.

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