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the whole day was such a blur, it went by so fast for jungkook. most of the time he wasn't even paying attention, hoseok was the only thing on his mind.

how beautiful he was, how he wanted to kiss him again.

but he was a vampire, it only hit him this morning that he was a vampire to make everything better jungkook was his mate. jungkook was of course grateful it was him and not some other man, he didn't know what he'd do if hoseok was dating another man.

he shook the jealousy off and pursed his lips. today was the last free day in seoul, they basically will have to stay at the mall the whole day. jungkook didn't mind really but he would've wanted to stay with hoseok instead.

he brought along his small bag which he tied around his waist. inside was his camera and his wallet filled with the money his mother sent him, he was going to spoil himself a bit and buy some clothes.

- - -

jungkook strayed away from jackson as he preferred to be alone with his thoughts not that jackson really minded, he had a ton other friends anyway. the teachers told them to be at the entrance of the mall at exactly three in the afternoon so that they can get back to the hotel and rest.

and with that being said students scrambled off to do their shopping

jungkook was now currently eating ice cream while he held a small paper bag containing a new cologne he bought for himself. he decided to walk around more since he had three more hours to spare.

jungkook stopped in front of the gucci store staring at the elegant designing, he wondered wether he should go in or not especially when he knew he couldn't afford a single thing in the store.

trying out some clothes for fun wouldn't hurt anyone right?

as soon as jungkook stepped in he felt plain in his white shirt tucked in his black skinny jeans and his normal vans. he sifted through the velvet clothing wincing as he saw the pricing

how do people even-

his thoughts were cut off when he heard a familiar voice speak from the other side of the store, he looked up to see hoseok. he was with the girl last night, from what he remembers her name is yeri.

hoseok had a huge smile on his face as he showed a pair of sneakers to yeri, having heightened senses of course hoseok knew jungkook was in the gucci store which is why he decided to come in and act like he didn't see kookie there, and of course yeri knew too.

yeri put her hands around hoseok's arm making jungkook frown as she looked at him almost... lovingly?

hoseok just kept on smiling as they both walked around the store, hoseok probably wanted to get those sneakers since a worker packed it into its shoebox.

jungkook felt jealousy boil within him as he saw how cozy they were, yeri said something to make hoseok laugh. were they a thing?

jungkook kept on watching them walking around cozying up to each other, he didn't even know he was clenching his fist so hard his knuckles turned white. the last straw for him was when yeri side hugged his boyfriend.

jungkook walked over hastily, and took hoseok's wrist. hoseok looked at him in 'surprise' and frowned

"kookie? what are you-" before hoseok could even finish his question he was being pulled out of the store, yeri giggled as he saw how jealous hoseok's mate was. she sighed as she remembered how she didn't have one of her own and kept on walking drowning in her loneliness.

the two boys stopped in front of the store and the taller male unknowingly had a small pout on his face, hoseok mentally awed at his boyfriend's cuteness.

"what were you two doing?" jungkook asked, obviously upset at someone especially a girl getting so close to hoseok. he knew he was probably acting like a spoiled brat but hoseok was his, and of course only his.

"we were shopping kookie." hoseok giggled as he inched closer smiling at jungkook making the elder look away at the close proximity. its cute how jungkook's confidence changes from where they were alone claiming hoseok as his, but in public he was shy.

"don't worry she's just my friend, i'm yours." hoseok smiled, jungkook's grip on hoseok's wrist loosened and hoseok held jungkook's hand. jungkook sighed as he pursed his lips looking back at hoseok who had a beautiful smile on his face.

"i don't know what came over me, i'm sorry i should probably go apologize." jungkook mumbled making hoseok grin softly at him and then shook his head

"mhm its no problem, you're my mate its normal." hoseok said before pulling him away.

- - -

author's note:


this was so shitty i apologize, oh shoot i'm so embarassed i really don't know what should happen next now that jungkook knows hoseoks a vampire but i'll figure it out lmao i'm just so... blocked right now

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