Chapter 17

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   "Heimdall open the bifrost"  I command, Tony Stark at my side. He had just helped me escape the cell, Fury had so easily put me in. And unlike Fury, he now seems to trust me a bit more, despite the fact I had known where Lady Malia has been the entire year.

   Too busy worrying about about the conflict we will most definitely have later with Midgard, I don't notice the bifrost open up and transport us to Asgard. Instead the next thing I hear is Heimdall.

   "You should make haste to the healing rooms in the palace Thor, much has happened in your absence" Heimdall's wise golden eyes add urgency to his words, and we part straight for the palace.

   And to my surprise, Tony stifles his curiosity for once and listens to what directions I give him.


   Odin hasn't made his way to the healing rooms quite yet, but he did give specific directions for Bethena- who according to him, no long is a servant... but an equal in our royal family... a princess. And only an hour ago did a messenger bring me Odin's letter.

Which states:

The young servant girl of only fifteen years of age named Bethena, is no longer to be a servant. I believe it is within reason to make the dear orphan part of the royal family, and I have been considering this for some time now. I shall have new chambers arranged for her, and we shall have a grand ball to welcome her to the family after the recovery of Lady Malia. I hope you will come to accept her as a sister just as I believe Thor will. In addition I hope she will look up to you and Thor and that you will both help teach her all you can when she isn't around the tutors I am having arranged for her. Please give her the news when she awakens.
                                        - Odin

   Upon reading this, I sat myself in a chair between both Bethena and Malia's beds. At first I found myself furious with Odin, how could he! But then I took time to think about the past year that I have spent in the almost constant (when not down in the dungeons) company that I held with Bethena. I had even allowed her to speak freely... she had become a trusted friend to me. And in honesty, I was afraid she might die when I had heard her screams just this morning.

   Since when have I become so soft and caring. I have allowed myself to love someone, and trust a girl and befriended her. Surly there must be something wrong with me. But at the same time, I have come to enjoy the parts of me that have changed. And I'm positive that if I needed to act cold and monster like I could do it in a split second. Only two people must see such changes in me... although it's a bit odd how they are both female, then again women do that to men I suppose. That explain that change that happened in Thor after he met his Jane.

   I take a long deep breath and turn my head to watch Malia in her unconscious state. Every time I look at her I am baffled by how absolutely beautiful she is, while scared at how broken she looks. Spending time in a cell hadn't broken me like she is, but then again she spent a year trapped in her own mind. She hadn't deserved such imprisonment. And after what happened with Bethena, she will no doubt be even more broken than she was before.

   Remembering all too clearly, the tears that had streamed down her face, I look down at my hands. There was nothing I could have done to help... I had been to late to help. I know that I couldn't have helped although I wanted too, and in that moment the only one who cold have saved Bethena was Malia... all I could do was watch as she repaired the girl. And the pain that she took from the girl reflected in her eyes right before she smiled and then collapsed. And I imagine that right now Malia might still be feeling all of that pain.

   I began to think about Odin's letter once again. Perhaps she is the one person I could truly call family. And before I can think for much longer, the door behind us swings open. And I unwilling turn to face the visitors.

~~ Hello darlings, I hope this Chapter pleased you.
Until next time...

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