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It was time for the shoot and they gave me some tight short shorts and a tight tank top. I walked to them. "Ok so it's just going to be easy and basic. Just pose." The boss said. I nod my head and walked to the spot posing. "Here's some heels. Let's see how you walk in them." He said. I put them on and walked around. "Can you dance in them? Samba?" I giggled and did the typical Brazilian dance. He got serious and I stopped.

"Too much?" I asked.

"Uhh, can I talk to you for a second?" He asked. I nod my head and walked with him. He stopped. "Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yes." I said. "Why?"

"Nothing go take some more pictures." I nod my head. I walked back.

"What did he say?" Junseo asked.

"He asked if I'm ok." I said. I took some more pictures.

"Isabella!" Someone called.

"Yes?" I called back.

"Boss wants you at his office." I nod my head and put my normal clothes back on. Junseo walked with me to the boss's office.

"Whatever happens! Be honest." He said. I nod my head. We walked in and sat down.

"Isabella. Is there something I need to know?" He asked.

"I don't think so sir." I said.

"What are the scars around your ankles?" He asked.

"Ah that." I looked at Junseo. "I had a trauma as a kid."

"What was it?" I kept quiet. "I need you to be honest and tell us. Our models don't have secrets." I breathed in.

"I got kidnapped as a kid..." i told them everything. They were shook.

"How did you overcome it?" He asked.

"I didn't. I suffer from sleep paralysis because of it. My scar sometimes starts hurting. I have flashbacks that make me lose all my strength, curl up, pull my hair and cry." I said. The boss breathed out run a hand through his hair.

"That's terrible." Junseo said.

"You could help people. Imagine people who have gone or go through the same and feel like they are alone. Everyone struggles. We could reveal it to the public in the future once you debut as a model." The boss said. I looked down. "I know it would help them. My younger sister committed suicide because of sleep paralysis. She thought she was going crazy and she was alone in this. It could help."

"I don't know."

"I know." The boss said. He took a deep breath. "I'll call you tomorrow to let you know if you are hired. I have to think." I nod my head and left home.

The next morning I wake up to my doorbell ringing. I walked to the door and opened. Junseo. "You need to come." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know you told me to come get u."

"But it's too early."

"It's 11 AM, Isabella." He sighed. I groaned and put clothes on. He drove me to the agency. We got to the office.

"Good morning Isabella." He smiled. I sat down. "So I called you cause I still have some questions." I nod my head. "Are you planning on staying in korea for a long time?"

"For as long as possible yes." I said.

"Would you be fine to work with us for as long as possible?" He asked.

"Yes of course."

"Are you dating?"

"Yes. You probably know him." I said. He looked at me confused. "He just debuted in NCT. Lucas."

"Oh he's your boyfriend?" He asked shocked.

"Yes but I haven't seen him in a while because of his busy schedule." I said.

"Well I have the contract. You're not supposed to date but it is fine." He said. He handed me the paper. "You can take it home and think."

"No it's fine. I made my decision already." I smiled. I took a pen and signed. He smiled.

"Great. It will be an honor to work with you Isabella." He said shaking my hand. I bowed thanking him. Junseo and I walked out of the office and cheered.

"Yesss! I am your manager from now on. Ask me whatever you want and I'll have and help you through your schedule." I smiled.

"Thank you." I said. "Wait what about my job?"

"This is your job." He said.

"No teaching."

"Oh well you can still teach somedays. We will see that later yes?" He asked.

"Ok. I'll see what I prefer doing." I joked. "Thank you again Junseo.

"No thank you!" He smiled brightly.

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