chapter 20

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Korra hadn't slept all night, she was  afraid. She didn't see her fear as a weakness anymore though, it was weird. she felt like her fear was what was keeping her so brave. Every time Tahno came in she confronted him with boldness and braveness. But she was still terrified, mainly for Mako, but she was terrified for herself too. Hell, she was even scared for Ikola. She heard the door open and was instantly on alert, Tahno had already come in for the day but she was still worried that Tason would come in. She knew he was a part of this too.

"Hey Korra." It was Ikola.

She breathed a sigh of relief. "Hey."

Ikola then unlocked her chains and took them off of her, "So, how's the soccer team doing?" She asked trying to start a conversation. Ikola  actually want to be friend with Korra.

"We are doing pretty good! We have only had 2 games though. But we are 2-0. So far!" Korra responded cheerfully.

"Well that's good! I'm sure you got the majority of the goals!" Ikola said with a smile.

Korra smiled back, "Well... yeah I guess."

"And I heard that you were homecoming queen!" Ikola cheered.

Korra gave her a confused look.

"I wasn't there during the raid on the school. Tahno made me stay here..." She trailed off.

"Oh... well that's good. I guess." Korra said awkwardly. Then she thought of something, "So how come you used to hate me? Now you act as if we're besties..."

Ikola smiled sheepishly, "Funny story actually... I kinda had a crush on Mako and was really jealous... I had been trying to go out with him since freshman year and then you came along and he fell head over heels for you. I kinda got mad..."

Korra's eyes widened, "WHAT? You had a crush on Mako?!"

"Well, yeah! What can I say? He's HOT." She said, laughing a little.

"Well do you still like him?" Korra asked.

"What? No! He is obviously in love with you! I don't stand a chance, you are beautiful and and so bold and brave. Really Korra, you are amazing ! I'm truly sorry we had to interrupt your dance with him..." She said with a frown.

Korra smiled slightly, "That's fine, and don't worry! You'll find someone! You're amazing too."

Ikola smiled and gave Korra a quick hug. "So, do you have an idea for an escape plan?"

"Nope, not a clue. I have been trying to come up with one but I know nothing about where we are... All I know is that we are somewhere in the mountains along the outside of the city..." Korra said.

"I don't know much either but I do know about the house we are in!" Ikola said, "Can that help?"

"It might." Korra said with a look of hope on her face.

They had been up all night finding out who's the tire tracks were and didn't have much success. All they found out was that the tire prints were from a Ford Truck. They had called everywhere to try to find out which truck it was but only narrowed it down to about 7 trucks. Mako was the only one still wide awake now. Everyone else was really tired and not really on their 'A game'.

"I think we should take a break. We aren't doing  any good if we can't even focus!" Bei Fong said, sitting on the couch.

Everyone, except Mako, muttered their agreement.


"Dude, calm down. We will find her, like Bei Fong said, we aren't doing  any good if we can't even focus. When we get some sleep then we can focus more, and that will lead us  finding the truck faster and that will lead to finding Korra quicker." Jace said, he wanted to stay up too but realized that Lin was right.

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