Eddie's Appointment

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It had been established between the two of them that they had feelings for each other. After all, that kiss between them couldn't have meant nothing. But of course, the both of them being as stubborn as usual, they didn't want to act on their impulses for the fear of losing a perfectly great friendship. Lately, they had been so uptight around each other so Jamie had proposed a night full of drinking and ordering in. Eddie couldn't object, fearing that it would seem as if she was trying to avoid him, which she was. Unlike any other girl, she was afraid of falling in love so to distract herself, she'd been on about 4 dates since she and Jamie kissed but none of them compared to who she had her eyes set on.

It was 8PM when she walked up to Jamie's apartment. She had a bottle of scotch with her and nerves that coiled around in her stomach. The night was young and she was completely sober, which she intended to change later. Eddie and Jamie sat on his couch watching ESPN in HD and had been pouring back drinks all night while simultaneously screaming at the tv. When the game was over, Eddie intended on leaving but Jamie had begged her to stay due to the fact that she was so intoxicated she couldn't drive and because drunk Jamie didn't like being lonely. Such a Boy Scout. She scoffed at him but stayed behind. They conversed about multiple things such as where they were in their careers and where they see themselves in the future. The more they talked, the closer they seemed to move towards each other. And soon enough, they were talking about the kiss. This is when Jamie moved closer to Eddie, moving a strand piece of hair behind her ear. Her breath had hitched in her throat and she leaned in. This kiss was nothing like the first. It was hard, filthy and full of lust. Jamie's eyes turned dark while Eddie's dilated to twice their size. He carried her to his bedroom and one thing led to another and she stayed the night.

When Eddie woke up, she noticed that she had a killer headache but she also noticed that she wasn't in her own bed. She felt an arm around her bare torso. Eddie closed her eyes and wished that she wasn't where she thought she was but upon opening her eyes and looking down, she knew her wish wasn't granted. She should have known the moment she felt something sticky between her legs but she thought God had her side and granted her wish. But thinking back to last night, she knew God wouldn't have had her back due to the unholy events of the night before.

"Oh geez," she slowly lifted Jamie's arm off of her and got up but immediately fell back down. Her legs were sore and she obviously knew why. She slowly walked out of his bedroom and low and behold, his whole apartment was a mess. There was a broken vase in the kitchen, paintings crooked on the wall, books and magazines scattered messily on the floor and their clothes sprawled everywhere. She searched high and low for her whole outfit. She found her bra strewn on top of the tv in and her underwear on Jamie's bedroom lamp. The only thing she couldn't find was her shirt and jeans. Sighing to herself, she decided that Jamie's shirt on the ground had to do for now. After taking whatever pain medication was in Jamie's medicine cabinet, she decided to clean up his living room, knowing that Jamie was a deep sleeper when he was tired.

Once she was finished, she decided to make breakfast. "Ooh, waffles." While she was cooking, she thought of what she had planned the rest of the day and how her and Jamie were to handle the situation at hand. She set the waffles down on his counter and checked the time. 11AM. "Aw shit," Eddie stood up, suddenly remembering that she had a date at 1. She quietly searched high and low for her clothes and found her top and jeans under the coffee table. Eddie knew she couldn't just leave Jamie without saying anything, she wasn't that kind of girl to kiss and dismiss. She quietly ran into Jamie's room to look for something to write on. She wrote to him, thinking of an excuse to leave:

     Hey Boy Scout,
    I woke up before you and your living room was busted so I helped you out a little. I also made waffles for us and I ate some of yours. Okay that's a lie, I ate most of yours. Anyways, here's some pain meds to help your headache that I know you're gonna have. I'm sorry I had to leave early, I forgot I had an appointment. We'll talk later about this. I promise
                  - eddie <3

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