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"I thought this was the ocean but it’s a desert
A medium-sized, ordinary idol was my second name
Countless people get cut from broadcast
But someone’s empty spot is our dream
They say some of these kids can’t make it cuz their agency is too small
I know, I know, I know too
Times when the seven of us had to sleep in one room
With foolish hope that tomorrow will be different before we fell asleep
We saw the mirage in the desert but we couldn’t grasp it
Praying that we’ll remain in this desert till the end
Praying that this isn’t truly our reality

In the end, we reached the mirage and it became our reality
The scary desert became the ocean with our blood, sweat and tears
But why is there this fear in between the happiness?
Because we know too well that this place is really a desert"

-by BTS


I'm in love with these lyrics and honestly there are so many more lyrics that I love so expect to see more of these in the future!

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