Ladybug was about to leave when Chat called for her.
"M'lady wait!"
Ladybug turned around.
"Why didn't I change back?" Chat asked
"I don't know Chaton, let's go see master Fu." said ladybug
*magic time skip*
"Welcome ladybug. Chat noir." master Fu said.
"What happened to you?" he asked gesturing to Chat.
"Well, uh, that's just the thing. We don't know." said Ladybug, "We were hoping you could tell us."
"Well, I could be mistaken but it seems that the lucky charm missed something." Master Fu replied, "Sometimes if things aren't actually damaged the magic believes that they are fine and doesn't reverse it, but it can only happen to the miraculous holders because the magic believes that you can take care of yourselves so it's much easier for it to forget."
"You mean I'm stuck like this?!" exclaimed Chat.
"I am afraid so." replied the old man. *master Fu butts in* "I am still young, I am only 186"
"What am I supposed to tell everyone?? Chat asked, "How am suppose to explain this when school starts and what do I tell my father?!?" Chat was yelling at this point.
"I don't know Chat but you can tell them what actually happened," ladybug said, "Hawkmoth knows more about the Miraculous then we do and I bet he could figure it out."
"You two should go." Master Fu interrupted, "You're about to change back."
"Oh, you're right. Goodnight chat. Bug out!" ladybug called as she swung away and made her way home.
"I can't believe this." thought chat as he made his way home.
This change was definitely not going to go unnoticed.

Wow this chapter was super short. Oops

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