Chapter 57

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A few days later the moms decided to have a spa day. Their kids had been stressing them out and they needed a girls day. After they left the spa they went to have hot tea at the local coffee shop. C"So how is life with teenaged daughters?" M"More stress than I would have ever imagined." T"Same here." C"Jack is pretty good. I am relieved I have a son! So what has been going on lately?" M"Well Jules was out partying with an older guy and Jared saw a picture of them online. He was pretty upset." C"I could imagine! Taylor what about you? You have been kind of quiet today." T"I haven't felt very good. I think I may be pregnant again. I'm not for sure." M"Woah! Does Tomo know?" T"Not yet." Later that day when they returned home Tomo was playing his guitar and Taylor sat down beside him. TM"how was your day?" He leaned in and kissed her. T"I need to talk to you." TM"is it Judith?" T"No. I think I'm pregnant again." Tomo was shocked. T"I have been throwing up at weird times and I just haven't felt myself lately." TM"Why don't we go to the doctor in the morning and find out?" T"Sounds good. What if I am? Will you be happy?" TM"Of course I will!" The next morning they went into town to the doctor's office. He did an exam and Tomo sat beside Taylor holding her hand the entire time. D"Well you are pregnant! I would say late June you guys will have a baby." After the doctor left the room Tomo kissed Taylor and said "I can't believe it! I am so happy." T"Me too baby. I am just worried how Judith will react." That night they decided to have everyone for dinner so they could announce the news. Shannon, Charlene, and Jack arrived and everyone sat down for dinner. T"Well I went to the doctor today and I found out I am pregnant!" Everyone was so excited. M"Another baby! I can't wait!" C"Congrats! That is awesome news." Shannon and Jared hugged Tomo and Jared said "way to go Mofo!" Shannon laughed and said "he's still got it!" Judith was the only one who didn't seem to happy. T"Jude, what do you think?" Jude"I think since I'm not this innocent little girl anymore you guys are trying to replace me." TM"Judith, that is crazy! We would never try to replace you." After dinner Taylor went to Jude's room and she was lying in bed. T"Jude? Are you okay?" Jude"No." T"We love you so much. We didn't plan to have another baby. I know you feel like we are trying to replace you but we aren't. We would never do that." Jude"Why now? I am sixteen. This baby will just ruin everything!" T"That is not true. I promise this baby will not ruin anything. Your dad is so happy. Please don't be upset." Judith sat up and hugged Taylor. Jude"I love you, mom. I am just shocked right now." T"I know. I am too, trust me. But it will all be okay."

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