Chapter one- 9pm.

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“Attention, all passengers. Flight Q122 departing from Gate 12 for Sydney is now boarding rows one through ten through the front doors...”

I heard the faint, drowned out noise of the daily repetitive flight attendant giving us all mundane directions about how to board the plane, just as I stared blankly out the dirty plastic window in front of me. We were leaving from LA right now; Sydney bound for the red eye. We only had roughly 18 hours for the flight, and I certainly had my purse stocked full of sleeping pills. There was no way I’d be staying up that long completely bored and restless. I was going to visit my mom, unfortunately. Her and my dad had split up nearly two years ago and it just so happened that my mom got offered a promotion for the Sydney branch of her company. She was not hesitant to pack up and leave. My dad wanted me to at least visit her twice a year, and here I am. The first time this year.

“Delaney Hardin, please come to the ticketing counter.” She suddenly called over the speaker, making me snap out of the daydream consuming my wandering mind.

I jumped up as soon as I heard my name, gathering my carry-on and purse in hand, along with my slightly crumpled ticket. I sighed faintly, walking up to the counter. I set my things beside my feet, setting my ticket on the counter.

“Is something wrong?” I asked quietly, not wanting to disturb any other passengers waiting or boarding or even waiting to board. 

“Not really wrong, but is there any way you would be able to switch seats with this woman and her newborn? You have the only seat on the flight with an empty seat beside it and we feel that she would be more comfortable having somewhere to set the car seat down when the baby is asleep.” The attendant explained politely.

“Oh, of course, that’s no problem at all.” I smiled reassuringly, giving a small nod towards the woman as she gave me a friendly, and very thankful, smile.

“Thank you so much. So now instead of row 24, seat A, you will be in… Row 9, seat B.” She said, handing over my new ticket. I thanked both of them and then made my way through the gate and doors outside, walking down towards the plane at the end of the small gateway.

Well, even though I wouldn’t have as much space to myself now, I didn’t mind too terribly much. I mean, she needed it more than I did and it’s just a seat. Not a huge deal.

I lugged my carry-on over my shoulder, huffing quietly as I braved the somewhat chilly breeze hitting my cheeks and arms as I walked. I stepped up onto the plane, glancing down at my ticket then back at the numbers and rows as I searched for my seat.

I made it to row 9, seat B, just to see a blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy staring out the small window, headphones covering his ears as if to cover him from the world. I did the same thing quite often.

“Um… Excuse me, you’re uh… You’re in my seat.” I said sheepishly, trying to get his attention as I waved my hand a bit. I didn’t want to really bother him, but this was the only plausible way.

He slowly looked at me, taking the headphones off his head.  “Oh, I’m sorry, I must’ve looked at the seat thing wrong. They’re quite confusing you know!” He chuckled, standing up from the seat to trade.  

He’s Australian, too? I suppose it makes sense since we are on a flight to Sydney, but it’s still lovely to hear the accent.

I stepped out of the way for him, waiting completely until he had gotten out, before stepping in and setting my carry-on underneath the seat in front of me. It had finally started getting dark out now. I loved flying or driving at night, honestly. It was so… simple. And comforting. I could never get enough of it.

I laid my head back, not really bothering to talk to him too much. He seemed to have music on and I had way too many nervous thoughts about how the next two weeks with my mom would go.

He sighed inaudibly and I heard a soft yawn leave his mouth and the slight movement in the seat next to me before a buckle. That reminded me, thankfully.

I buckled up and set my purse by my feet, then pulled a sweatshirt out of my carry-on to set on my lap. It got awfully chilly inside airplanes, especially at night.

He snickered quietly and glanced at my lap then at me. I could feel his eyes watching, my every single movement, as I settled back into my seat.

“You know there’s blankets and small pillows in the closet at the front of the plane?” He said kindly, crossing his very tan arms across his chest.

“Oh… I bet they’re dirty. I much prefer this, thank you.” I said politely, nodding a bit.

“Suit yourself.” He mumbled sleepily, turning now to face the front entirely as he yawned.

I glanced over for just a second, wanting to get a good look at him. I bit my lip lightly, watching his eyes flutter closed and his black headphones cover his ears yet again.

Part of me wanted to talk to him now, and even just know his name. I didn’t even know his name yet…  

“I’m Delaney.” I muttered quickly, clearing my throat as he opened his eyes again. His music must have not been too loud, which only helped me, of course. 

He looked over, a small grin taking over his oddly pink and plump lips. “I’m Luke.” He said softly, holding his hand out for me to shake. How proper.

I shook his hand, noticing briefly how strangely long his fingers were… Alright then.

“N-Nice to meet you.” I said quietly, almost under my breath. Thank god he couldn’t hear what I was thinking. He’d think I was a freak, no joke.

“The pleasure is mine.” He smiled faintly, pulling his hand away gently from mine before sitting back. 

I sat back in my seat again, hearing the doors shut and the flight attendants speak on the intercom going over safety regulations and whatnot before we leave. The plane had started moving now, just pulling out of the terminal to get ready to leave.

I sighed quietly to myself, laying my head back against the hardly cushioned headrest of my seat, watching as the gate got further and further away and the pilot turned the plane to head down a runway to leave. I drowned out the noises of the nasally-voiced attendant who was too perky at this time of night, as well as avoiding the other attendant walking through to make sure we were all buckled and ready for take off.

Soon enough, the captain requested that everyone settle in comfortably and get ready to leave. 18 hours ahead of us now.

I watched as we sped up to god knows how fast, the wheels slowly lifting up off the ground and the well-lit Los Angeles skyline full of twinkly lights and large modern buildings got further away from my view. Clouds began swarming underneath us, only making the cabin darker and sleepier.

 “I’ll miss it.” Luke said quietly, looking over out the window that was beside me, leaning over a bit into my space, but I didn’t mind. Not one bit.

“Definitely. It’s unlike anywhere else.” I whispered, almost trying not to disturb anyone.

“Definitely.” He smiled cutely, nodding a bit as he looked at me. “Unlike anywhere else.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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