Chapter 3

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"Nica, Nica you ready?" Seep whispers once he enters my shanty. I had told my mom and two brothers that I would meet them there after I had showered. Well showering was the last thing on my mind! Seep and I had agreed to not let a single soul know about our adventure, in order to protect those we know. The problem is that once the Entities find out that our families know nothing, they may very well kill them for being useless. At the very least, they will be sent to the waiting cell, and released in a year or so.

"I'm ready." I answer back, and we both head out the door towards our new life. We know that this is suicidal, of our plan doesn't work, we will definitely be sent to the elimination area where we won't see the world or each other again; but somehow this seems right. We can no longer live a lie by pretending that we don't have feelings. "You still think it's there?"

"It has to be. Otherwise... It just has to still be around."

"What if we never find it?"

"Then we build our own Utopia and lead our friends ad family there."


"We'll be ok. Trust me.

All I can do I nod my head. The Entities are possibly already looking for us, so we can't turn back now! We need to push forward.

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