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Naruto knew it was bound to happen; there was no denying it. Sasuke was cheating on him. It was little subtle things that gave it away: never wanting to spend time together, the scratches along his hips and the way he came back smelling like cherry blossom perfume. Naruto swallowed down the feeling of utter dread as he closed his cell phone. He had called Sasuke to see if he wanted to go out tonight; he had said no. Sasuke hadn't given a reason. Naruto placed his cell phone on its charger and stretched out in his bed, his head suddenly pounded.

He remembered when it had started. It was when Sakura Haruno had moved into the apartment building. Naruto and Sasuke didn't live together, but their love making was frequently held at Naruto's home. She went to the same university as Sasuke, and saw him every single day. Naruto had heard the rumors of their relationship and didn't want to believe it but... the evidence just kept pouring in.

Naruto curled up in his bed and clutched his hair tightly, wondering what spell Sakura held over his love. Did he really mean so little to Sasuke? Was Sasuke so fickle that his affections can jump from person to person? Naruto didn't know what to think at this point, it hurt his heart far too much. Naruto stared up at his ceiling and chewed his lip before grabbing his phone again and calling his good friend, Hinata. The phone rang for a bit before her shy, soft voice flowed over the line.


Naruto leant his cheek against his fist and answered "Hey, Hinata."

"Oh, Naruto! You sound terrible, is something wrong?"

Naruto let out a sigh and flopped against the bed again "I think they're right Hinata."

"Whose right?"

Naruto bit at lip again "Everyone. Sasuke is cheating on me. I'm just waiting for him to end it."

"That can't be true, Naruto. I'm sure its something else!"

Naruto shook his head, even though Hinata couldn't see it "Hinata, I know it. The few moments he actually spends with me, he talks about Sakura. He doesn't look at me like I used to, he looks at Sakura like that now...I just...It just hurts so bad..."

Naruto heard Hinata sigh over the line before she spoke once more "I'm so sorry Naruto. Do you want me to come over? I'll bring the works, you know, ice-cream, Brad Pitt and sad music?"

Naruto smiled sadly "Sure."


Naruto and Hinata spent the entire night preparing for Naruto's impending break up. Hinata couldn't believe Sasuke would leave Naruto for somebody with bubble gum pink hair. Naruto couldn't either. Naruto and Hinata ate their weight in chocolate ice-cream and watched chick flicks all night. Sasuke had called Naruto back a few hours later, saying they should spend some time together tomorrow, maybe go to the mall. Naruto said yes immediately, much to Hinata's disapproval.

"You're just going to get hurt if you keep going along with it, Naruto."

Naruto clutched his phone tightly "I know Hinata, alright? But I want to think this entire time he loved me and Sakura black mailed him or something. I want him love me again, like I still love him..."

Hinata had patted him on the back soothingly and left, after a few good pushes from Naruto. Naruto said he would be fine, and that Hinata should keep on top of her own boyfriend, Kiba.

After Hinata had left, Naruto picked out his clothes for his trip to the mall with Sasuke, wanting to look as good as he could. Naruto cleaned his apartment, grabbing the empty ice-cream cartons and sweeping up crumbs before going to bed; wanting to look as rested as he could for Sasuke.


When Naruto opened the door yesterday, he was shocked. Sasuke was standing there, looking happy, smug, for some reason and Sakura was standing right beside him, her long pink hair swaying slightly. Naruto let them both in, his nose twitching at the sent of perfume. Naruto's eyes drooped with sadness as he caught the fond look Sasuke and Sakura shared with each other as he turned his head. He led the two out the door and followed after them silently. Sasuke acknowledged him, trying to bring him into the conversation between him and Sakura; but she forced him back out. Naruto stopped walking at the couple like, pair turned a corner. Naruto turned around and walked back into his apartment; stripped off his clothes and went to sleep.

Naruto was jolted awake when the sound of his phone began to blare on his bed side table. Naruto picked it up and put it to his ear and answered "Hello?"

"I thought you and me were going to the mall today? Where did you go?"

Naruto frowned; Sasuke probably didn't even notice he was missing until they were actually at the mall "I thought so too." Was all he said back.

"Look Naruto, if this is about Sakura being a third wheel-"

Naruto cut him off with a scoff "Please. From the way it looked, I was the third wheel. Next time you want to take me on a date, don't bring your girlfriend, Uchiha."

Naruto hung up the phone without waiting for a reply; he didn't want to deal with Sasuke today. Naruto laid in bed for a few moments more before getting dressed once again and looking around in his kitchen. He needed groceries, and the basic necessities. Naruto grabbed the keys to his apartment and left his home, intending to go to the grocery store. Naruto walked down the hall slowly, passing by Sakura's open apartment door. He thought nothing of it until her heard loud moans. Moans he had heard before in his own bedroom. Naruto pushed the door open wider and gasped silently.

There, on the couch, in broad daylight, was Sasuke and Sakura fucking. She was on top riding him, her tits bouncing. Sasuke was below kissing and sucking any place he could reach. The last time Naruto and Sasuke fucked, Naruto didn't even get off. Naruto waited for a few moments more before Sasuke noticed him. He stopped moving with Sakura and opened his mouth to say something, but Naruto left and closed the door behind him.

Naruto was out on the side walk, walking to the super market when his wrist was grabbed. Naruto turned and jerked it away from Sasuke's; not wanting to get and sweat on his own hand.

"Naruto, please let me explain..."

Naruto turned away again and kept walking "No, thank you."

Sasuke grabbed his wrist again and held tightly, glaring at him "What is your problem? Just let me explain-"

Naruto glared at him, his face twisted into a scowl of absolute disgust "You're actually asking me what my problem is?" He hissed lowly.

"My problem, Uchiha, is that I just found my boyfriend of one year fucking my neighbor who he has known for about 3 weeks! And only that, it's been going on behind my back the entire time! How the fuck did you expect me to feel Sasuke? I loved you, you asshole!"

Sasuke looked taken aback by his outburst and looked down at the ground "Look, Naruto, I love you, but I love Sakura, more. I can't be with you anymore..."

Naruto snorted "No shit." Was what he said before snatching his hand away.

Sasuke grabbed his hand and third time, irritating the hell out of Naruto "Look, I never said we couldn't be together, I just want to be with Sakura, officially."

Naruto stared at his ex-boyfriend in complete disbelief "You want to fuck me on the side?!" Naruto drew back his hand and slapped the man hard across the face before spitting at his feet.

"Fuck you Uchiha, it's over."

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