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Naruto stared at his vibrating cell phone in utter contempt. For some reason Naruto felt anything but sad, depressed or whatever you should feel after breaking up with you significant (not in Sasuke's case) other. Naruto just felt; empty; like there was an empty space he was desperate to fill. Naruto let out a relieved sigh when the phone stopped vibrating. He opened the phone and read the screen '55 missed calls' Naruto rolled his eyes at this; he was NOT going to fuck Sasuke on the side, could he not get that through his pretty boy skull? Was it really that difficult to comprehend that Naruto did not want to be with him anymore? Was Sasuke that fucking conceded? Naruto rolled his eyes at himself at the question, the answer was yes; hell fucking yes. How is it possible Naruto had never noticed that before?

Naruto scrolled down his contacts on his phone and landed on Sasuke Uchiha. Naruto opened the menu box and chose 'block'. Naruto really didn't like having his phone vibrate off the fucking table. Naruto checked the time on the phone while it was in his hand and read that it was one in the afternoon. After breaking up with Sasuke he had forgotten to get the groceries and was starving! Naruto changed his clothes, grabbed his wallet and keys and left his home. Naruto was locking his apartment door behind him and when he turned around he saw Sakura and Sasuke walking down the hall towards him. Naruto felt no emotion seeing them both; look totally and epically in love. Naruto mentally snorted at the thought. Naruto saw Sakura shoot him a look, a look of smug triumph. Naruto smiled at them both and waved before continuing on his way. From behind his back he heard Sakura let out a grunt of anger and Sasuke, one of confusion.

He hoped that they didn't think that seeing them together would make him break down or something equally childish like that. Naruto quickly ruled that option in; they were both incredibly immature. Naruto got into the elevator and rode it down to the bottom floor and stepping out and leaving his apartment building. Naruto walked to the super market and picked up his groceries for the next week or so before going to the nearest coffee shop to get something to drink. Naruto stood in line and waited for his drink, paid for it and made his way to the entrance. Naruto let out a grunt of pain when a solid shoulder collided with his chest, making his coffee, groceries and himself fall on the ground. Naruto let out a painful breath as the hot coffee splashed all over him and a man's, from what it looked like, very expensive leather shoes. Naruto immediately picked up a napkin and sopped up the mess from the man's shoes all the while muttering his apologies. Naruto gathered up what was left of his groceries (The box of cereal was the only thing intact, everything else had exploded, including Naruto's fancy chocolate milk) and finished with the man's shoes before he was unexpectedly pulled up. Naruto clammed up at the sight of the intimidating man he had spilled his coffee on; the man tall and had very familiar pale skin. His eyes were a strange burgundy color and his dark black hair was pulled into a low pony tail. Naruto paled as the man seem to stare straight through his soul "I-I'm so sorry! I should've watched where I was going!"

The man's face seemed to soften somewhat before he let out a soft chuckle at Naruto "No, my apologies, it was my fault, you seem to be much worse off then I am."

Naruto looked down at himself and blanched. His black turtle neck was drenched in coffee, along with his leather jacket. His black jeans were covered in his groceries and his shoes were in a puddle of coffee and fancy milk! Naruto let out a groan at the state he was in; it was going to take forever to get the stains out of his clothes!

Naruto was snapped out of his mental griping when he tanned hand was gently grasped in a larger and much paler hand. Naruto looked at the man who he had spilled coffee on in confusion and with a slight blush on his face ""

"Allow me to make amends for my foolish actions; let me buy you another drink."

The man, to Naruto, seemed like someone you didn't say no to and it wasn't like Naruto was going to turn down such a nice offer from such a polite man. "Oh, okay, sure. But would you mind waiting here while I change? I live just a block away."

The man nodded "Of course."

Naruto (he was NOT reluctant!) slipped his hand out of the man's palm and hurried towards his home. Naruto quickly fished his keys out of his pants pocket and opened his door, kicking off his shoes. Naruto tore off the stained turtle neck along with his pants. Naruto hosed himself down in the shower quickly before going to his closet and picking out some clothes. Naruto chose some light blue jeans and a periwinkle sweater. Naruto quickly slipped on some white vans and left his home for the second time that day. Once again he saw Sakura, but she was alone. Naruto gave he a two finger wave and a 'yo!' before sprinting past her. He took no notice to how she was blatantly flipping her hair from her neck to bare her love bites.

Naruto returned to the coffee shop and saw that the mess he made had been cleaned up by one of the staff and the man was sitting in one of the tables in the back. Naruto walked over to him and sat down across from him. The man smiled at him and roamed over his body, making Naruto blush and spoke to him "You look very nice."

Naruto felt the flush consume his entire face and said "Oh thank you..." Naruto trailed off, hoping the man would fill in the blank, and he did.

"Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha." Naruto flinched and looked away at the name. That was why this guy looked so damn familiar! He was related to Sasuke! Naruto didn't know how but some how Itachi sensed his discomfort and grabbed his hand again "Is something wrong?"

Naruto pulled his hand back from Itachi and set both hands in his lap "No, its nothing Uchiha-san, don't worry about it."

Itachi's eyes dimmed and he slid a cup of coffee towards Naruto "Here."

Naruto closed his hands around the warm cup of coffee when he suddenly remembered something "Oh, I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"

Itachi raised an eyebrow before breathing out a chuckle "So, you are the famous Naruto my foolish little brother spoke so highly of."

Naruto frowned at that and looked in his coffee "Oh please..."

Itachi leaned on the table and once again grabbed Naruto hand "I see you and my brother have had a falling out, is that why you have lost interest in me?"

Naruto felt guilty for worrying Itachi "No, I'm still very interested!"


After a few moments Naruto realized what he had said and blushed, shrinking away from Itachi, feeling like a complete idiot. Naruto blinked as he felt a pair of warm lips against the knuckles of his hand and looked at Itachi "...uh, Uchiha-san...?"

Itachi's eyes slid up to his own and darkened "I am also very interested, Naruto-kun."

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