Chapter 3

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Naruto blushed even harder at the statement, feeling something down south twitch and heat up as well. Itachi smiled and let go of his hand, placing both of his own under his chin.

"So Naruto-kun, please tell me about yourself."

Naruto and Itachi spent the entire afternoon getting to know each other and Naruto had to say, he had never had this much fun with Sasuke. With Sasuke Naruto always had to do the things he liked and hoped he liked it as well. Itachi seemed so much better than Sasuke ever was, as awful as it sounded.

Itachi's eyes split to the clock behind Naruto's head and he closed his eyes with a sigh. He had really been enjoying himself with Naruto-kun. This was the first time he actually felt anything with anyone.

"My apologies, Naruto-kun, but I'll have to be going now."

Naruto couldn't help the pout that formed on his face as he heard that Itachi had to leave. He wanted to spend the rest of the day with Itachi! He guessed all good things come to an end, though. Naruto grabbed one of the napkins on the table and wrote his number on it before giving it to Itachi.

"Here, call me; I really liked spending time with you, Itachi."

Itachi couldn't help the flicker of excitement in his eyes as Naruto offered him his number. He didn't care that Naruto happened to be his younger brother's ex; a man like this was way too good to pass up.

Itachi took the napkin and tucked it into his jacket pocket.

"I'll call you at the first opportunity, Naruto-kun. Good-bye." Itachi gave a wave as he walked out of the coffee shop and into what looked like a really expensive car. Naruto stared out the window with a dreamy expression as the car drove away. Itachi was the man Naruto had been searching for, as ridiculous as that sounded. Naruto practically floated back to his apartment and flopped onto his couch in a happy daze. He stayed there replaying his perfect afternoon (after the whole getting coffee spilled on him mishap) over and over until his stomach rumbled.

Naruto floated over to his kitchen and was slapped out of his lovey-dovey stupor when he faced a completely empty fridge. Literally, there was nothing in this fridge; not even mayonnaise. Naruto slapped his forehead in response as he remembered that Itachi (even remembering the name made him giddy!) caused him to drop his groceries all over the place. Darn, now he had to go for take out.

Naruto searched through his kitchen drawers and took out all of his take-out menus. Now what was he in the mood for, Chinese? Naw, he had that a few nights ago. Pizza? He couldn't devour a whole pizza by himself (loneliness...) Ramen? HELL YEAH. Naruto put the rest of the take out menus back in the draw and grabbed his house phone as it suddenly rang. Naruto checked the caller ID and saw that it was unknown.

"Hello?" He answered uncertainly.

"Naruto! Why haven't you been answering my calls?" Sasuke's aggravated voice grated over the line.

Naruto rolled his eyes and seriously considered hanging up right then and there, but he was going to be nice and mature and finally tell Sasuke it was over officially.

"I haven't been answering your calls because you've been cheating on me and I don't like it. Why the hell did you think I wasn't answering your calls?"

"I just thought you needed time to cool off! You're being so stubborn, I hate that about you!" Sasuke snapped at him.

Naruto stared at the phone in disbelief, as if Sasuke had any reason to be angry with him.

"Uchiha Sasuke, I am breaking up with you. I think we need to see other people." Naruto said after moments of silence.

"What!" Sasuke's outraged voice yelped.

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