Chapter Three

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One Week Later: Tuesday

I wake up at the sound of banging on my door. I sigh and pull the blanket over my head. I had a late night last night and found it so hard to get to sleep.

“Get up Nava! You’ll be late for school!” Naryn shouts.

“Not if I run there.” I mumble to myself and turn over, ignoring his constant banging.

I then hear the door open and Naryn pulls the blankets off me and I groan. I shiver at the cold air from the outside seeping through the window, which was ajar. I was especially cold because I wasn’t wearing a shirt and only shorts visibly covered my body.

“Get up!” Naryn says loudly. I rest my hand on my forehead and groan again. I sluggishly get out of bed and hop into the shower.

Once I stepped out of the shower, my hair was drenched and I ran my fingers through it, water dripping from the ends and down my bare chest.

I throw on some pants, a shirt and a leather jacket. I run a comb through my hair, once it’s damp and eat a large breakfast.

I soon leave the house with my schoolbag on my back, wind blowing behind me, the cool air smelling of the forest nearby and the sun rising from the east. I tuck my hands in my pockets and walk to school enjoying the peace and quiet.

When I arrive at the school I walk around drawing a map in my head on how it was set up. As I walk around the school someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around to see Aria there, a large smile on her face.

“Morning Nava.”

“Good morning.”

“I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages!” She says.

“It’s been about 6 days.” I say and a smile creeps across my mouth.

“I know, but it feels like it’s been longer then that.”

I shrug. “Yeah I guess so.” I could smell her sweet perfume surrounding her. It was a very pleasant and pungent smell.

“What do you have first?” She asks.

I pull out my timetable and smile. “Art.”

“Really!?” She beams. “Who’s your teacher?”

“Mr… Kanto.” I answer with a frown wondering if I pronounced his name correctly.

“That’s my first class too!” She smiles. “I’ll take you there when the bell goes, but would you like a tour of the school?”

“Sure, why not.” I let her lead the way and she directs me where the toilets are, the drinking fountain and I can’t help but see the stares from other kids. Obviously this girl is quite popular with everyone to draw this amount attention.

“Aria!” A girl from behind calls, and we both turn. This girl has long brown hair with a wave through it, a little short, a nice face and she was wearing a skirt with a white T-shirt. Overall she is pretty.

“Hey Sam, how are you? I haven’t seen you for at least a week! I’ve missed my best friend so much!” She says and cuddles her friend.

Sam looks at me and smiles. “Who’s your friend?”

“Oh, this is Nava, he’s a new student and I’m showing him around. Nava, this is Sam.” Aria introduces.

“Lovely to meet you.” I say and flash her a smile.

She smiles back at me, showing her straight and perfectly white teeth. “Same to you! Oh Aria, but what about Jonny?”

“What about Jonny!?” She asks annoyed and Sam looks at me.

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