The first day..

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It was just a normal Thursday for Anna she had to go to school she had been stressing for days because she had her finals next week and she wanted to do good. She wanted to get to school early so she could study.
When Anna arrived at school she was walking to her locker and she heard gossip about these hot twins that were starting today. Anna got curious and wanted to see who hot these twins were she waited but she wasn't to worried about them if she saw them in the hall she would judge but it wasn't a huge deal if she didn't. Anna was in home room there were still five minutes left till first period. Ms.Evans (Anna's homeroom teacher) started to do attendance, Jake, Matt, Liz, Anna,...... Ethan and Grayson Dolan she said in a questioning tone. They must be the hot new twins every girl in my school is obsessing over Anna thought to herself. The first period bell rang and she had to go to English, she was most worried to take her English final. Anna had two open seats beside her the kids that sat beside her switched classes and the teacher didn't change seats so she was stuck with no body on either sides of her. The bell rang every one got in their seat except to very attractive guys.. 
Anna's POV...
Are these the hot twins literally everyone is obsessed about? I mean they are kinda hot.. who am I kidding they are fine asf but I have to work on getting good grades on my finals, I look down studding my English because that's all we are doing in class till English finals are over.. I zoned into studying then I hear Mrs.Smith my English teacher say "here take these packets and sit beside Anna in the back row, you can use her packet we went over the packet yesterday so all her answers should be correct."
"Hey are you Anna?" I hear the twin with a freckle on his chin say
"Yeah I am" I answer back
"Hi I'm Grayson this is my twin brother Ethan" Grayson said politely
You guys are twins? I would have never guessed" I say sarcastically leaving out a little chuckle
They both lightly laugh
"What classes do you guys have next?" I ask awkwardly
"Bio" they replied in sync
I had bio next as well so I walked them to class after the bell rang for second period. Mr.Barlup our bio teacher sat them beside me since I was helping them from class to class.
I jokingly said "ehh I'm stuck with you two again" Grayson replied with "yeah keep it up and you'll be stuck with us after school too"
"Yeah we will find your house and be their all the time with you" Ethan added
Ethan winked at me after he said that.
"Good luck with that" I replied
School is almost over I'm in my last period study hall anxiously waiting for the bell to ring.
The bell finally rang after it felt like 12 hours and I could finally go home🙏 
I bumped into Ethan and Grayson and Ethan said " hey Anna your a really cool girl!"
Grayson added "yeah you actually are.. wanna hangout sometime?"
"Umm yeah..." I said
"Yeah cause we still have to get the answers to the dumb English final packet" Ethan said
"True.. just want to come over now?" I said
"If it's cool with you" Grayson said
"Yes it definitely is" I winked when I finished talking

We all hoped in my car and I still can't believe this is actually happening the hottest guys in school that just started today want to come to my House to hang out!!! Ehhh I'm so happy but so nervous because my brothers are assholes about all my guys friends that's why I don't have any and I swear if the ruin it with Ethan and Grayson I am going to freak out!!
"Why are we going back to our house?" Ethan ask
"What do you mean?" I ask 
"We are literally on the same road that we live on.... Anna are you stalking us?"
"Are you guys crazy?? Why would I stalk you guys? I found out about you guys this morning when all the girls were gossiping and the guys were pissed" I said
" why were the girls gossiping and why were the guys Pissed?" Grayson asked
"Are you serious have you looked in the mirror? Every girl thinks you both are hot.. cause I mean who wouldn't... the guys are mad because every girl is obsessed with you.." I say not thinking before I spoke 
"Did you just call us hot?" They both say blushing 
"We are here" I say trying to change the subject
"We will talk about you calling us hot later;)" Grayson said
We talked and got to know each other a little and I can't believe this is happening and the two hottest guys in my school are hanging out with me ehhhh!!! My smile disappeared when I saw my brother Chase walk into the room he is super protective and mean to my friends especially guy friends...

It's going to get better I promise!!

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