Day 6 and apologies with explanations

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Jeller shanks
I realize I owe an apology. I haven't had the best time with my phone and it hated me. Key word: Hated. GOT A NEW PHONE! my old phone wouldn't lemme comment or anything on the regular screen so I had to go to the library to read stuff but I didn't write there cuz ppl be stalking ya know?
But anyways the more you know.
On to it.
Day 6 from hiatus, 10:59 PM, 8/4/18
A scene that made you laugh:
There's a lot but there's two I would like to share.
When Brenda in death cure was like, "Same dick?" And Gally said,
I like her.

And this isn't really like laughing worthy it got me giddy and ya know, starting howling. It's when in death cure they were about to jump out the window and Newt was like we're all bloody inspired.
So yeah. Once again my apologetics.
Lots of hate ya shanks,
Vialand 🖤

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