Chapter Two

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Levi gave up trying to make sense of his mistress and found a comfortable corner, out of her way, to lie down. She had been pacing the living room for ten minutes, accomplishing nothing. It never took him that long to find a cosy spot. He only needed to circle an area three times, four at most. Being a human was hard work, and that was without mentioning walking on two legs.

The doorbell rang. He was tempted to stretch first but training kicked in and he went to notify Sue right away.

She smoothed her dress one more time.

This was Jack. Why was she so nervous tonight? Because of the restaurant she chose and the message she was sending him, silently answering her own question. Not that Jack knew just yet, having made the reservation herself while he was in the lab.

Jack heard Levi, so he assumed it wouldn't be long before she opened the door to him. He straightened his tie, having dressed for a special occasion like she'd requested. He refrained from questioning her any further. He would enjoy letting her surprise him. If she chose an upscale restaurant, he would gladly pay the bill. But nothing had him prepared for the vision standing in the doorway.

Sue smiled shyly at him, inviting him in. The shimmering blue sapphire dress hugged her body to perfection, opening mid-thigh on her left side down to her ankle.

"You're beautiful." Breath-taking would describe her more appropriately.

"You're cute too... I mean handsome... not that you're not..." She bit her lips to stop her mumblings as she lowered her gaze to hide her blushing.

Slowly, he dangled a single red rose in front of her eyes. A smile blossomed on her lips when she lifted her chin up, the lovely shade on her face matching the colour of the flower.

She thanked him before approaching the rose to her nose. Her eyes closed, she inhaled the delicate fragrance.

He imagined the silkiness of her skin as he brushed the back of his hand down her cheek... her soft purring as his lips trailed along her neck... her shivering as his hands sensually caressed her...

His hand, which had stilled in mid-air, disconcerted her. "Jack?"

"Let me put it in the water for you."

And without waiting for her permission, he took the rose from her hand and headed for the kitchen, wondering how much longer he would be able to conceal the depth of his feelings for her.


Jack surrendered his keys without objection and let her drive. He still had no clue why she'd left Levi home or where they headed. To his knowledge, there weren't any restaurants worthy of the name in this area.

They stopped in front a red brick façade. Over the door, a sign partially covered with snow was swaying at the end of two black chains, sending flurries in their hair.

"Antonio," he read out loud, having never heard the name before. From the outside it didn't impress him much, but he trusted Sue's choice.

"It's new," she mischievously whispered to his ear as he opened the door for her. "It used to be a strip club."

"A what?"

"A bar where women dance while removing..."

"I know what a strip club is," he informed her.

She innocently raised a brow. "You do?"

"Of course I..."

A smile curled up his lips as he shook his head. Sue was playing with him and enjoying every second of it.

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